Favorite moments from Halloween

Re: Favorite moments from Halloween

Postby Owle Isohos » Tue Nov 10, 2015 3:44 am

In no particular order...

Watching Nick Sleet bolt out of the diner at 3am on Friday night. Trying to convince Mike Strife to run away. Hiding behind the shed in back of the diner, desperately praying.

Homebrewing with cousin Havel! "Under no circumstances will we be putting pumpkin in ze beer."

"We're going on a nature walk! Look at all this nature!"

That long and interesting conversation with Nick Sleet and V.

The Window Walking mod. That was so amazing.

Trying to convince a group of mercenaries that Whisper Hill was a perfectly ordinary New England town, and that they should sign up for the Halloween party contests.

Blind Molly and Penance trick-or-treating. The trick-or-treating fae. Ravendark under a sheet. Seeing the results of people trading faces. The apple eating contest.

Victor's tarot reading.

Spooking the hell out of the Whisper Hill teens...and then telling them to stay in school and not do drugs. Leslie declaring that the panic phrase in the event of a real monster attack was "Abstinence is fun!"

The Penance's appearance as we escorted Doc Kennigan back to the diner. Trying to hold off a frenzied Sally and watching the Penance puppet his movements. Getting to use the Caltrops.

Giving Dan Kimball a pep talk.

Talking about board games with Liberty while waiting in line to be searched for weapons. We do a surprisingly good impression of normal people when we want to. Also, now I want to play Elfenland.

The sabotage mission. Finding myself being a front line fighter and somehow taking charge. Getting maimed just before the bomb was set and wrenching my own leg back into place just in time to run.

Me: (noticing that one of Beatrice's claws is missing) "Oh no, did you break a nail?"
Beatrice: (deadpan) "Cyborgs are hard."

Realizing Eden's brother was among those who'd been kidnapped. Having the realization that I hadn't voted for saving him hit me like a ton of bricks.

The final fight on Sunday. Hearing it later described as "a truly irresponsible amount of land mines."

...and many, many more. Thank you, one and all, for an amazing weekend. I'm looking forward to the next one!
-Kelsey Graham (that medic with the black fedora and the purple coat)

-aka Lauren (OOC)
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Owle Isohos
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Re: Favorite moments from Halloween

Postby Henry Gondorf » Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:30 am

Given it is still relatively fresh in my mind here are the highlights.

Before that however, I must bring up something a little more current. I laughed FAR to hard when I heard the intro to White Noise just now. I have watched Supernatural too long not to have a health respect for how portentous that tune is. Whether by accident or design I salute you. This has by the way set the tone for this post.

From the Notepad of Henry Gondorf

*The Well of Bones/Souls/Spirits. Dancing with The Reaper while wondering "Where the Hell is Richard Peck and his court order?"

*Discovering far more than first thought on the Author Mod. Highlights include:
-Sally's reading of the "Raven",
-Watching in shock as a screaming shade is pulled away across the ground,
-swearing if found out where he lay buried I would burn the Author's corpse (nothing to do with purification. More for righting internal scales),
-watching Prof. Tesla dance with a spirit among other things.
And that pleasant reminder that bringing more than one Scanner to the party is fun for the whole family.

*Meeting Mariner without his shotgun that may or may not fire angel tears as well as double ought slugs.

*Sheriff Winters "in costume"

*And for that matter everyone who went that extra mile for the costume party. Tip of the hat goes to Corvus for his Joe Everyone, Lesley for his Loki-Thekk hybred, Malcome as a certain Priest, and...oh now I space out?

*Helping Dallas and Dr. Ruth prep the diner for inspection just in time for the inspector to show up....along with the blood shot eyed defenders of Whisper Hills. Oh that was a fun bit of running to and fro to warn people not to bring the NRA convention in just yet.

*The follow up being trying to allay Flo's worries over the inspection only to see her eyes widen by degrees. I think I need to work on my people skills.

*The trick-r-treaters. The library was fun enough what with trying to keep Sally from taking that one kid out to the wood shed. By the way, you owe me half your candy haul, you little snot. And how about that wonderful feeling of coming in from light training with Black Stone only almost draw down on some of the kids running about on Main Street.

*Jackie Boy.

*Learning two disquieting truth for the price of one. With a third waiting in the wings playing a game of poker with Trouble, Gloom, and Unsettling Realization.

*Proving that when handed High Explosives we as a town can be productive without blowing ourselves up. Top marks for the "Face towards Enemy" tag on certain props.

*That Seeing Mike Strife nail two soldiers with a gesture. I remember one looking around for the source when I pointed them to Mike in the Crows Nest. The look on their face: priceless.

Not going to say I am ready for this next round. I only hope I am ready enough to pull a few folks from out the fire.
People come to me looking for the truth as it suits them. They look for a happy ending to their troubles. Too bad for them. I don't do happy. As to putting an end to things, The Truth often does a fine job with out me.
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