String and two cups, Mike, string and two cups
Now this does bring up questions that I had planned on waiting on.....but since it's already been broached.
I can understand the no communications, That's cool.
Flashlights? Tromping around in the woods is such a pain with just a glowstick. Plus it's so atmosphereic to catch a glimpse of the monster in a flashlight beam
MP-3 Players? Some of them can receive FM radio, but most are just so you can have your theme music playing as you sneak through the woods (And what monster doesn't love sneaking up to someone oblivious wearing earbuds)
Tablet or Laptop? (Not for walking around in the woods. You'd have to be crazy to risk it getting dropped/smacked. But more for note taking, typing up a journal story and Angry Birds back at the cabins)
Door beeper? My first thought when i heard it was a Modern day LARP with cabins was to bring one of those travel alarm door hangers that goes off like an alarm clock when the door handle is turned/opened. But then I saw the Nochian Sign and Security System qualities and went "Oops!"
Hiker's GPS system? Mostly to keep people from getting lost in the woods.
Binoculars? Spot the Bluebird, spot the Mi-Go, run like crazy
I would also suggest the banning of two items.
Cameras should be ok, but No Flash photography at night. It would be dangerous for NPCs to get blinded
Two, no bluetooth connected items. Should be covered under the same Interference preventing the communications. So no bluetooth video cameras planted along the trail or the back of the cabin
And of course, this is all with the understanding that you don't bring anything you don't want to see lost/broken. Because that happens at LARPS and you only have yourself to blame if it does