Hmmm let's see... To just choose a few...
I'd have to say that while the Quest for the Key of the Wilds was GRUELING (Oh gosh that was the most-tense walk ever! My shoulders are still a mess!) It's was really cool, MAN did I kinda want to bump the key just to see what would happen! Had to panic a bit though when the back line was left in Faerie. Stupid rain getting all in my eyes... and making my nose runny too... Thank goodness they came back! And the grant 5 protection I got for bearing the key was awesome! (more on that in my next bit)
Going into Quazar labs with full health, a point of style armor, and 5 protection was amazing since they wasted out our sanity right away and I got to go ham with a death wish and 9 HP. I think the poor NPC might have thought I was not taking my shots! It was the best way to blow 5 points of protection ever.
Going mad a second time but having both my arms maimed at the time was even funnier!
A close second to that was someone saying Casidhe had the "best idea so far" while deciding where to stash the second key we recovered. (Boy was I shocked. Also thank god you didn't actually go with her idea; seriously if anyone says that again we all need to very carefully evaluate our life choices!)