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Occams Razor • View topic - Favorite Moments from Session 8

Favorite Moments from Session 8

Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby Taranis » Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:17 pm

-Everyone's reaction to my dragonesque visage. Especially Victor freaking out to keep "the dawn court dragon" away from her at the end. I also apparently have a bunch of groupies who just want to pet me now. Not sure why, but I'm not gonna bash it. xD (but seriously, thanks for the compliments on the costume everyone!)

-Force our way into corporate building. Turn corner. Ugly reptilian humanoid in suit charges us. Brett screams "IT'S A REPTILIAN! RUUUUN!" Everyone but me runs... Reptilians hit hard. At least Brett believes I'm not one of them now. The shock value of that mod was spectacular.

-The gator spirit's "encouraging" words and advice. Oh the implications.

-Chilling in the diner by the warm fire with Billy, Red, a sleeping Victor, and... Amarok. Sitting next to me on the sofa. Good times.

-That adorable automaton on the rat mod. Also the rat mod. Damn chuds can't keep me down forever!

-John Henry pretending to be offended.

-Finally meeting Balor (for the first and last time) and going toe to toe with him.

-murdurating a frost giant with eldritch power. Shouldn't have thrown a rock at me. Thanks Marner!

-Defending the ramp at the cave. It's a bit disconcerting when you're the last line of defense and you're constantly getting swarmed. That was a brutal fight, but a fun one at that.

-Learning that I've pledged myself to the service of a dragon under a fallen angel and all of the implications... and then immediately being okay with it.

-Sally's new style. The Jason look suits him well!

-Don busting into the diner and causing a scene when he learned Ed deceived him. That was awesome.

-A ton more that I can't think of at the moment because my brain is fried. Overall an awesome event.
-Alexandre Herne
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Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby tykiran » Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:17 pm

The fist fight with Lou in Canada.

Many feels fighting V :/

"I brought these people here, the box my prize." "Do you think you alone brought these people here?"
Short silence
"Can I have it?"
*Lazer beam*

Portals mod, robot voice was best

"What are you doing? You are going to get shot. He is right there, he's going to shoot you."
Avoid by speed

Swinging around my 8 by science item!

Losing my sanity in the cave of whispers fight, getting dropped, thinking i'd wake up stable and sane, have Lou take a healing item out of my pocket and heal me with it. And waking up with paranoia. "What the hell did you just inject me with! Get away from me!" And diving under the building.

"You and your Illuminati...Free Mason....Sex Parties."
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Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby Casidhe Cool » Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:39 pm

- Being told "welcome to whisper hill" a few dozen times. :lol:

- Winning at Cribbage both times.

- Walking out the door at night alone after I figured out some dude in a black jacket had been following me all night and discovering an ally through threat of violence =p

- The ONE time I go out Friday, Finding a new letter in a new-ish language and being told "you did good."

- Getting to see Bret open "that letter."

- Having Michael put Saturday night into perspective and not being able to talk about it later without crying. I really wasn't planning for Cassie to be such a softy.. we'll shock it up to suppressed terror. ;)

- The look Gino gave me when I said, "I've had worse" after Saturday night's fight.

- Gino coming up to Cassie as she diagnoses stable to the corpse of a frost giant and saying "Cassie you haven't finished that thing off yet?!" ::Cassie smashes it's head in with her bat:: Gino then says, "Gee, You're a homicidal maniac aren't you?" Cassie's reaction: ಠ_ಠ

- Joining the court of Sass. 8-)

- Spending the weekend filling out Cassie's ideals, methodologies, rationalizations, motivations and plans. Next time I will get my butt our of the diner and do more than 2 short mods! (Though Portal was hilarious and I felt so useful and accomplished in the rat caves! :D )
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Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby Ariel » Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:08 am

Alice and Chloe, forever and always. Ours is the best little team that could. I'd make some kind of Three Musketeers joke, but that mapping doesn't really work that well.

Magic Circle Fun Times with Cyrus Dee, first thing Friday night. Finding myself advocating for not murdering Leslie, against all odds.

So many Book Club meetings. All the Book Club meetings. We should actually pick a book to be reading if anyone asks.

John finally figured out how to do a mechanic for telefragging! The prophecy has come to pass!

Madrig--I mean Gary. All the demonic friendship a girl could ask for. I am so serious about opening that restaurant.

"By My Voice, Short Root by Fun Fact" is one of the best Accelerant verbals I've ever heard. I was so completely impressed with the ability to rattle off so many bug facts that I was happy to sit and listen as long as I did.

Struggling constantly with the tension between the human seeming forgetting that she isn't people and the demon within biding its time. #justboundthings

Long range packet snipes. How's your death strike going, Vasily? <3

Lou all weekend, being an incredible and brilliant motherfucker. Every time you did anything you were perfect.

Being dubbed "Hermione" by Red Saturday night when her usual set of nicknames wasn't puncturing the exhausted haze I was in. I accept this nickname completely.

Marner wearing Very Serious Ritual Robes and not having a Very Serious Ritual Hat to go with them.

Drunken <strike>Canadian</strike>Quebecois soldiers, fighting over hockey, headbutts, international incidents.

Ed's scene with King Don. Sooooooooo great.

Long talk with Ashkara (Ashkari Ashkara Ashkariel whatever the heck your name is) about cosmology and demons and faeries and what everything is. SO much interesting stuff, even more interesting conversations with PCs afterwards.

Malcolm. I continue to be completely impressed by you. Mason was awesome for different reasons, but Adam, you hit your stride this event with Malcolm and it showed.

All the many bathroom line conversations, mostly with Nick Sleet and Hana.

Really good conversations with Leslie, coming to conclusions about the ways we see magic, realizing that a lot of our earlier arguments were actually explainable.

Herne's. Fucking. Costume. Holy shit did that look cool.

Kelsey. What even ARE words? We just don't know. So many feelings, so much excitement, so much uncertainty. I can't wait to see what we make of this.

This was a really good one, friends. So very very sad that next event isn't until the spring.
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Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby HecateSkivvy » Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:08 am

Now that I've had some time to mull things over:

Starting Friday Night off with a bang; nothing says "ride the razor's edge" like being nearly voted off this plane of existence. I remember thinking, "Welp, I'm here with two demons. Goodbye cruel world," and then being pleasantly surprised. And then terrified. And then pleasantly surprised. And then terrified again. Two resets later, I'm laying in bed staring at the ceiling with this expression: :shock:

Leo - You're on Leslie's shit list. Don - god damn do you make things interesting. Keep it up! :P

Getting simultaneously chided by all three parties of Spirit World Royalty, and surviving! Captain Science, I am so sorry you got the backlash for that.

Broing it up across the afterlife with Madrigary.

Bug Professor: 'Nuff said. If only Leslie were as interested in all things arthropodean as I am in real life. Seriously, we should compare notes someday although I'm sure you have me beat.

Amelia, as always.

The AA meeting was awkward, then profound, then intense, then comforting.

Getting teased by Hana and Leo right in front of King Arawn as he looks on with stern, kingly disapproval.


Meeting up with Aaschakari (seriously we need someone to teach us to spell that), and having her ask me a very, very ominous question. At that point Leslie realized the truth; there are no surprises. He is living the truman show, except most of the audience apparently wants to use him to as a tool kill the rest of the audience. This whole thing has me wondering: who the hell is Leslie that so many beings of insane power and/or authority are willing to put up with this level of incessant trickster wild card bullshit? How the hell is this guy worth the risk?

Finally, getting to utilize a small arsenal of my new craftable trinkets. Especially those moments in the darkness fight where I hit Ezra with that one thing, and Bartlett with a couple of those other things; each scenario ended with the same reaction. "Aaaaah? [Pause in confusion...] Oh. :shock:... BLEARGH!"

This weekend was huge; apologies to anyone I missed. More to come later maybe if I feel like it.
Leslie-Evan Marshall,
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Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby Madrigus » Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:41 pm

Getting back to Whisper Hill!

Achievement Unlocked!: Playing With Portals
Achievement Unlocked!: The Cake is a Lie

The conversation with Cyrus D.

Larissa's back!

My First Cabin Raid. Everyone was trying so hard to not laugh.

Booker, and Booker's out-of-game face that he made when trying to figure out a way to mispronounce something.

New people!

Defending the diner in the dark. So cool!

I give no fucks that he can't see. He wins because he looks fucking terrifying.

V: Deathstrike one! Deathstrike two!
Me: HEAL TWO TO SELF! [whap, rollrollroll]
V: Wily bastard.

All the time spent with Ariel. It's good to have someone in town to talk about all of the not-nice things I think.

Kelsey suggesting Ariel and I open a restaurant called 'Hell's Kitchen.' The two of us really wanna make that happen now. How much is property in Whisper Hill?

Another conversation with Michael Strife about his ominous signs pointing to turning into a werewolf. Thankfully Brett was there for it and we had some good laughs. "Huh, I'd like to meet his tailor."

Rituals with Petrie at the Well of Souls. So sad the rest of Book Club missed the magicks, but it really brought me back to the first time I met Petrie. The ritual we did was really fun and the repetitions actually made it feel more realistic. Getting 'the nod' from Stormcrow was pretty cool too.

My First Typewriter Mod. Oh man did I get myself into something awesome.

The entire Canada mod. Especially Lou and Capt Science wrestling about hockey as a distraction. Also sneaking up on the Canadiens... Quebeccians... Idk, I was too bemused the whole time.


Launching a barrage of magic into Balor.


It's nice to see all the complaints about the lack of loot have finally paid off. Literally.

EVERYONE! NPC's, staff, and players alike made this and every event amazing. Even if I didn't list you above, please know that Whisper Hill and my LARP experience as a whole would not be the same without you guys. Love you all.
"Desperation will turn any mortal to the darkest secrets hidden in the darkest vaults."
-Madrigus (Brendan)
[*Deadbolt from Lost Eidolons]

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Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby kaiserin » Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:47 pm

New people! You're all awesome.

Wish I knew you better V. But it was wonderful seeing all the feels everyone had for you.

Finding myself surrounded by darkened and having Adam Campbell creep up behind me and shout "Boo! You better flee little girl" You're a better person than Hana Kelsey. I left Gondorf to his fate.

Hiding Sally's mask under Rams Bottom cabin. Then leaving it for him on his door step the next morning OOC.

Getting to know Mr. Henry.

Fetch kitties. Fetch Puppies! MAGIC ROBOTS!

Levi. It is a delight playing with you man. To go from a handshake promising to never let you don your armour first things game on to a hand shake promising to let you don your armour and stand by you against the armies of heaven just before game off. Full circle.

Standing in the murder cabin with Dalas as she hold up the creepy sign "Guys it doesn't say happy birthday. It says happy annaversary." Those moment you wish you had more than two shots in your gun.

The White Lady "You must REALLY hate the fae"

"Whisper Mart! Buy under the sign of the i. Cause the i's in the center... on the pyamid."

Asking Sally and JD if anyone has given Victor "The talk" Thank you Scott and Eric for the saturday night awkward. I knew I could count on you.

All the repressed anger being justified and fueled by revelations.

Tying the shoe of a crying rat man while consoling him and telling other people to lay off "he's only like 2"

Getting to see Gog and Mgog. Gog or Mgog standing in the window of the AAA and tracking me as I walked by. (CREEPIEST THING ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!)

Taunting Leslie high school style in front of the dawn king. "You got a cruuuush!"

Shouting for muscle to fill a gap in the line and having Andre waddle over with his suit and quaint slavic manner pulling out the Cricket and throwing a 15 dam for an instant kill at the fomorian in question. "Vill dat do?" "Yeah that'll do Andre."

Billy standing on the line and six shots either jamming in barrel or falling feet short of him one after another. I have seen it with my own eyes now.

Absolute best moment. Life imitating art. "You can't get out"

Oh yeah.
"PST... Cassie... Welcome to Whisper Hill."
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Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby sndwurks » Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:10 pm

Hey, it's a session where I can actually TALK about my favorite moments!

As always, it's the interactions I get to have with my fellow PCs and the NPCs that really do make these events for me. Billy very rarely gets to be a badass, so really it's the interactions that make my event. So, without further ado...

Thank you to Elizabeth Heath as Autumn, letting me do some reading in Aquinaki (actually Abenaki in real life). It has been a long time since I have read aloud in that language, and it felt good to get comfortable with it as I went.

Thank you to the players of Leslie, Jacob, Ness, Victor, and Hannah for all the interactions, information, and genuine emotion these conversations lead to. Each of you respond so very differently to Billy, and it is always enjoyable to see just how these differences work out.

Thank you to the players of Eden Jones, Nick Sleet, Henry Gondorf, Michael Strife, Ed (no last name needed, he is the once and future Ed), and all the rest of Team Good Guy for fighting the good fight in the quiet of the night. Getting the job done behind the scenes is the hardest of them all.

Thank you to the Book Club of Bad Decisions for using my hammer to break the Well of Bones. That is so totally getting turned into a fetish weapon now.

Thank you to Alice, Harry, and the others who came with me to the Tribal Council meeting, and thank you to the NPCs at that meeting. Showing the tribe in a political way is a direction few games go, and I am always impressed by this game's choice to show it as such.

Thank you to Levi, Malcolm, Lou, and the NPC staff in the Cave of Whispers for those tense moments of cold and danger. It was seriously FREEZING in that cave, and coupled with the image of the gate and the sussurant creepy music? And the sounds of combat outside? Honestly, stepping outside made the fear that we were going to be overwhelmed LESS, oddly enough.

I still haven't seen the Gate itself, and I am okay with this.

And finally, thank you to Vasili, Ezekiel Parsons, and Adam Campbell for some great conversations with the Darkened. The first step to fighting your enemy is understanding them, after all. And now, Billy understands them better.

So, for personal favorite moments...

"You heard the Lady, cousin."

"Can I have the box?" *LASER BEAM*

"Hi, I'm Billy St. Francis, and this is Jackass!" *SLAM BY ELDRITCH*

"I swear to God, if one more person says 'Welcome to Whisper Hill', I am going to burn something down!"

"Dance, puppet, dance!" *Pause* "Oh, wait. Sorry, Billy." #notreallysorry #Leslieisneversorry

When the lights went off in the Triple A Diner... and those of us who stayed behind to keep the fires burning...

Being the main investigator when looking for Tabitha after the power came back on. Scooby Doo chases should always end with an innocent victim getting stabbed in back by a high school history teacher armed with a needle full of medical grade sedative! Oh, wait...

Apparently, bows also like Billy.

John Henry, the dubstep remix.

Getting my sanity blasted away AGAIN by Gog and Magog, only to have them follow me around while Billy brokenly attempted to balance only even numbers of leaves in his hand, repeating his own insane ramblings back to him in ways of further showing just how broken of a toy he is ("Broken boy." "Broken toy who thinks he's a boy.").

The late late show, with two shaman, one spirit, and a bunch of sleeping people. And not being able to sleep myself because I know Amarok is within arms reach of me and I'm just not taking that risk.

There are more moments, but they are beginning to get a little blurry. All in all, I had a blast. Occam's Razor remains the best LARP I have ever played, with the best staff and the best player base I have had the privilege of interacting with. You guys rock my tiny, self-centered world.
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Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby Casidhe Cool » Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:14 pm

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Re: Favorite Moments from Session 8

Postby cristovau » Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:11 pm

Some quotes...

"I no like hockey. Hockey stick destroy my knee."
"That is actually really sad. Is it alright with you if I don't attack you?"

"Bug is no good word? Not problem. I see thek I use badder words, ty' Vole'."

"You must steel you self before seeing Saturday. Is very old. Years are good to him, but no _THAT_ good."

"It is the sit-down gun. I said sit down. No? *BLAM* Sit. down."

"All participants must reach completion."

"Whisper Hill musical is simple lighting. Show is in dark."

"Canadian? American? I no care. All hockey has Czech players."

"No Ondrej, I can't kill you. You are still family..." Damn it, V, I'm unconscious. I'm not supposed to cry.

"15 damage by plasma, and 1 damage and slam to self."

"So, I think we must be telling him he is Shadow-Jesus-Batman. Is what V would want."

"Ondrej, 1985 came to visit."

Good times, my friends. Good times.
- Ondrej Vlk, Manager, TRDC Beverages (Kristoff in 7V, HAY! in Cottington Woods)

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