what is to be

Re: what is to be

Postby Owle Isohos » Tue Nov 17, 2015 1:55 pm

Kelsey grinned at Sally despite the situation.

"I was gonna let you have it, anyway," she told him. "You've got longer legs than me."

By the same logic, she took the seat behind Sally, figuring Lou could use the extra space. Med kit on her lap, she kept an eye on Lou as Kennigan drove, just in case. Even though nothing was likely to happen that hadn't happened already, she felt better being nearby. She spoke as much to break the silence as anything else.

"...you guys hear the latest White Noise?"
-Kelsey Graham (that medic with the black fedora and the purple coat)

-aka Lauren (OOC)
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Re: what is to be

Postby Nick Sleet » Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:07 pm

Back down at the lakeside, Nick Sleet emerges from a shady spot where he'd been lurking, unnoticed. "Well, that was interesting!" he says with a sardonic grin to the empty air, and heads up the hill towards Vasily, Leo, and Herne.
Nick Sleet - Private Investigator, Diogenes Club

"Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it's going to have to try harder to do me in..."
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Re: what is to be

Postby Leo Wilds » Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:21 pm

Leo was wondering what their private chat would ensue now that Alex was there. Personally he enjoyed and welcome the addition of Alex to the chat, for Leo knew he could trust him with his life just like he trusted V with his life and his improvements to his way he saw the world.

Seeing Mr. Sleet he smiled a little bit more. Yet another man he could trust with his life. With the dark things that Leo had seen around here everything was starting to seem more fight for yourself and those you love and less about the power of his faith. He felt that this place caused his faith to slowly be warped and twisted in a future monstrous outcome if things like this kept up. Thank the Creature he had Rue in his life after losing Ryan other wise he wouldn't still be in this blasted nightmare land.

"Hello mister Sleet. How is your day?" He said acknowledging Nick Sleet after a few seconds.
"For better or worse I should have known, but to die by your hands I should have known."-Donald Edward Lareau
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Re: what is to be

Postby Nick Sleet » Thu Nov 19, 2015 4:00 am

"Surprisingly peaceful," Nick says, joining the little grouping, "by Whisper Hill standards, that is." He nods to Herne and Vasily, his eyes passing over Vasily's bruises and cuts without stopping.

"I've taken up meditation in the woods. It's been useful in clearing my mind and helping me to focus."
He looks around the little group. "I hope I'm not interrupting..."
Nick Sleet - Private Investigator, Diogenes Club

"Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it's going to have to try harder to do me in..."
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Re: what is to be

Postby Tempest » Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:52 pm

Vsily looks at the man in his fancy suit.
"hello master spy. How was the show?"
Brandon Harris

"This is not going to be a good day."

Also.Vasily ,Kynon barra, Markus de' cavalier, redcard stralt, sabastian Dalton, father Alexander Marshall, Templeton stormwright.

(ooc Michael goulston)
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Re: what is to be

Postby Nick Sleet » Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:19 pm

Nick considers repeating his "I'm not a spy mantra", and discards it as old hat and unbelievable.

"The fight scenes were excellently choreographed," he replies somewhat flippantly, "and the pregame show was full of tension. A bit of a cliffhanger, though; I'm curious to see the ending."
Nick Sleet - Private Investigator, Diogenes Club

"Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it's going to have to try harder to do me in..."
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Re: what is to be

Postby Tempest » Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:11 pm

Vasily sways a bit rubbing some of the blood off his face.

"well maybe you should be there for the ending. But right bow I need to go get cleaned up and take some meds. Man ny head hurts. But first I would like to talk to you."

Vasily motions to nick as he walks off.looking back vasily yells.

"I will catch up with you two in the diner I need to talk to nick real quick."
Brandon Harris

"This is not going to be a good day."

Also.Vasily ,Kynon barra, Markus de' cavalier, redcard stralt, sabastian Dalton, father Alexander Marshall, Templeton stormwright.

(ooc Michael goulston)
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Re: what is to be

Postby Nick Sleet » Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:17 am

Nick nods at the two other men, and walks off aways with Vasily.
Nick Sleet - Private Investigator, Diogenes Club

"Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it's going to have to try harder to do me in..."
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