Lou's eye twitches at the mention of him not being a local. He considers addressing for a moment but lets it go like some many other things.
"If that is what is called on me to do."
Lou answers the first question in a calm tone, trying to match Billy's lack of warmth.
"I can't do what Gus could. So I will do what I can instead. As for my talk with V. Sometimes you just talk to people and things get out of hand. I didn't go down to the lake fixing for a fight, or a hospital visit Billy. I usually don't go looking for that anywhere, even if the jets fans are getting uppity."
Lou says and considers what he knows about Billy for a moment. He looks to his stiff shoulders and listens to the wood creek under his elbows, the sounds of wood on wood almost.
"Billy, I'm not a smart man. I'm not a particularly deep one either. But I'm going to do what I think I need to do to make sure that the world is gonna keep spinning. I can't think about it too much, or else I'll second guess myself."