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Occams Razor • View topic - Favorite Moments, November 2014

Favorite Moments, November 2014

Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby kimp » Tue Nov 11, 2014 7:30 pm

My highlights (probably missing some; my brain still isn't 'quite here')

The moment after I chucked the weapon out the door and stopped screaming in the Cave and Adam/Mason gave me such a look of confusion and asked why I was yelling and I realized that he did not remember a thing he was doing when he was 'overcome' and coming to the split second conclusion in my mind that I was not going to let him know he'd nearly killed Eden while she was unconscious on the ground. (And that is the worst compound sentence. Possibly ever)

The entire encounter in the Cave. Seeing how everyone responded. The sense of betrayal - so weird for a character that *expects* betrayal to find a new nuance for the feeling. And Eden's on her knees sobbing and Mason is clearly caving in on himself and there's Liberty with a confused look and a burning sensation in her eyes. It was a great opportunity for some subtle character growth. I'm only sorry more people couldn't have been involved.

Same as the others involved -> the Friday night encounter. Wearing my 'awe face' at the amazingness of the NPCs and their remarkable ability to not only remember teensy-weensy detail but to work it in in an organic way that felt seamless and made the scenes.
Also, feeling Katie/Mells shaking like a leaf under my hand during her part, plus the utter and complete looks of confusion she kept shooting at me. Oh - and getting to bust out my Catholic Dogma. Bam!
Then my part and... wow, pretty amazing. And Mells reaction. And Mells pulling me aside at one point to tell me that I was supposed to be doing pretty much the exact opposite of what I was doing (and having to quickly explain that, nope, I wasn't). And getting bitch slapped (which shouldn't have been cool, but... yeah...)
All together I not only learned more about all the people involved but also was afforded the opportunity for some painful insights into Liberty's character.

When Pandora was about to be airlifted out and I realized we could probably buy her back because she's 'just property' and property has a price. That logic is SO Liberty and so NOT Kim. I love those little moments when its clear we are different people.

Unexpected opportunities to pull out Liberty's not-so-inner sociopath.

Sneakiness. Opportunities for sneakiness. Fill my soul with bubbles of joy.

Defending 'the rock' with TJ. Any chance to be silly with Bish is a wonderful oasis of ridiculous for a very serious character. You can take our freedom, you can take our money, you can take our women, but you cannot take our rock!

Little encounters that were these small bursts of interesting or fun - like 20 questions with the Dusk King and staying behind to talk to the second aspect of the Morrigan (who I'm still half unsure of what to call - I recall Something Queen and something about Wild or Witch and maybe eventually I'll recall)

Conversations about history, philosophy, faith and sociopathy that gave me more insight into several PCs.
Liberty Blue
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Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby Nixon » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:06 pm

IC: Elderd Hartighan - regular guy. Have Nile, will travel.
NPC: regular at Shadows of Amun
Bicolline: Asher Fells, Ordo Cervi - Captain of the Heavy Footman
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Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby Tesla » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:29 pm

-Character: Douglas Rook
-Formerly known as Professor John Challenger
-Position: Rook for The Lady in White

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Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby Amelia Casselman » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:40 pm

--The pain of Saturday night. So much coming together at once while going through the Cave. Realizing what the Ladies meant by having to make a choice. Realizes the answer about who's blood was on the stone. The numbness of realizing what Gus was probably going to do. Starting to cry while walking behind Mason, listening to him, on the way back, and just plain being a buffer between Mason and the rest of the world.

--The shock of character development that I didn't think would come so soon.

--The battlecry of “Don't Stop Believing” being one of the few “happy moments” characters had.

--The Muppet Conversation being the other. The group telling Gus that he was Samuel Eagle, only to have him turn his back, walk away, give them the finger, and subsequently prove their point. (FYI to whoever asked: Leslie was Beaker. Phil was Bunsen.)

--Jackal and Amelia sitting on the fireplace when old lady Amelia came in asking for help with raking. Both of them asking if there would be compensation and both BOLTING UP in sync when she said yes. Then actually raking leaves (totally wouldn't have been surprised if we were legitimately raking real leaves). It was relaxing, and then horrifyingly hilarious when Gus and Corvus showed up. “WE'RE GETTING PAID. DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH.”

--At Court with the White Lady, Witch Lady, and the Crone. LOVED the costuming of the last two. Also trying to remember Blind Molly stuff at all, but remembered the question “Who's blood is on the stone?” and while they didn't know Blind Molly, they sure as HELL knew that question. Terrifying. Especially having the Crone repeating that question, the only thing she said out loud.

--Meeting with the Witch Lady the next day. Listening to Liberty idly toss the source of information elsewhere and having the Witch Lady directly look at Amelia and ask “And what do you think?” “I told her.” because noo way I was point-blank lying. Then watching the Witch Lady talk with Victor. Omfg I could hug you, Victor.

--Dealing with Leslie is always strange and unique because half the time she wants to throttle him and the other half of the time she wants to make sure nothing fucking touches him. :|

--Sacrificing a credit to bribe Nick Sleet to shout fish-boomerang in combat. Worth it.

--Watching the town come together in a way that, like my spike of character development, no one probably saw coming so soon.
Last edited by Amelia Casselman on Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Nadina "Amelia" Casselman
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Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby Shar » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:46 pm

Pandora's bucket list
*finding her baby
*̶R̶e̶s̶i̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶u̶r̶g̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶l̶a̶p̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶e̶m̶p̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶h̶a̶c̶k̶l̶e̶ ̶o̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶w̶h̶o̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶i̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶n̶e̶x̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶S̶a̶l̶l̶y̶
*Not getting dead on account of being hungry.
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Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby sndwurks » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:58 pm

This was an amazing event, and it says something that I still have not filled in my report card because I am still reeling from it. But here are the events that are standing out the starkest in my memory.

- Realizing that I can (and will) be using that Bell Tower in town fights from now on. Having eyes in the sky is far too useful on Friday night, and the Sniper on Sunday morning confirmed that.

- Every conversation I got to have with people one on one. Seriously. Eden. Mason. Gus. Brett. Sally. JD. Vasili. Alice. Liberty. The new guys. Leslie. Ness. Dr. Rue. The OC. Corvus. And I know I am only scratching the surface on this one with those names, but seriously. I spent so much of this session just talking to people, and I loved it.

- Listening to people react when I stopped to pray as Billy at Adam Campbell's car wreck. Actually getting to be a spiritual leader for the tribe is something I enjoy, as rarely as it comes up.

- The Agent Sanchez crime scene. Seriously, coming around the corner of the cabin, and looking in through a window to see the edge of a body, some tarp, and all that... blood... and... other stuff... Yeah. "I'm... gonna need Doc Kennigan to look at this."

- That Mod. Thank you, Alice, for bringing me along on that. You guys know which one.

- Belly-crawling through the hallway of traps to make sure that Gus was not about to die alone and that the girl he was giving his life for would be making it out alive, only to reach the end to have Gus tell Sheriff Winters "If Billy tries to stand up, shoot him." And then, RPing broken Billy trying to deal with the fact he can't feel grief like other people do, and how damaging that truth was to the lie of Billy's identity.

- Gog. And Magog. I have never been more out of character TERRIFIED at a game as I was with those masks getting that close to my face. And when they made me sit in a road and count stones after blasting away my sanity, everyone's reaction who came along to witness that.

I would like to offer a special thank you to Elizabeth and the staff of OR for letting me run that Embassy of the First Nations information session, and thank you to the NPCs and PCs who showed up. Being Abenaki in real life makes Billy's identity as American Indian something that resonates pretty deeply with me, and having people show interest in learning more about the history of the American Indians and the Canadian First Nations meant a lot to me, as a player. Thank you for that.

What a year. And here's hoping to seeing you all again in January.
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Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby kimp » Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:20 pm

So... Anyone wondering about the vague, wink wink nod nod references to the 'thing' on Friday night needs to know that we all agreed that the first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about...

Crud. Did I just let everyone know it was a Fight Club?

Drummed out. I will be drummed out.

(Ps - I so win Fight Club :D. Well, technically Kelsey won. That girl can swing a chair)
Liberty Blue
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Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby Owle Isohos » Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:27 pm

It was a boffer chair that fell apart when you hit people with it. How could I resist? :lol:
-Kelsey Graham (that medic with the black fedora and the purple coat)

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Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby Mells » Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:22 am

Melanie Walker

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Re: Favorite Moments, November 2014

Postby Aaron » Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:07 am

(Lost Eidolons) Sir Gilliam Stardust II- You were right all along! Inside the box was another, smaller box.
(Occam's Razor) Maxwell Schmitt- Do you wanna build a robot?
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