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Occams Razor • View topic - Favorite Moments, October 2014

Favorite Moments, October 2014

Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby ladydarkwolf » Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:10 am

Finding a remix of "the Rains of Castamere" for the rave... and then finding out that someone actually died while I was playing it. I REGRET NOTHING!!!!
Dr. Charlotte M. Walker, Medical Examiner
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Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby Henry Gondorf » Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:24 pm

OH! and who will ever forget the Pre-fight Hoe Down of Protection? That is something, with a little work, shall be the next dub step staple. Please tell me someone got The Reverend a Glass of water before it all went pear shaped.
People come to me looking for the truth as it suits them. They look for a happy ending to their troubles. Too bad for them. I don't do happy. As to putting an end to things, The Truth often does a fine job with out me.
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Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby Artemis » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:01 pm

To add about The Reverend: him talking to Sam, trying to convince him to join the church, and saying that.. "heck, even Catholics are invited."

I could not keep my face straight... which is not a good Rail feature. Smiling makes her face hurt. Additionally watching all the people be inspired by amazing speeches made her cold machine heart beat just a little.
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Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby John! » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:49 pm

I won't say where it happened, or who was involved, but the responsible parties will know who they are.

"A [REDACTED] and a [REDACTED], out here in the woods, it's like the premise for a really shitty sitcom."

One of you, thank you for being a good sport. The other, thank you for sticking your nose into the others business, it looked like a good moment from where I stood.

Also I might have giggled.
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Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby sndwurks » Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:15 pm

It was a crazy event in many ways, and definitely one that Billy will not be thinking about for quite sometime. Deliberately.

Some personal moments of awesome:

- Pretending to be a stump during a stealth mod by kneeling saisa style while holding a chest behind my back, under a clock with two guards capable of one-shotting me less than a foot away; I pressed my face so hard into the tree, I had to brush the bark out of my beard when I finally got to my destination 20 minutes later. That entire stealth mod was so hard core, and the people who went on it are serious champions of sneaky-do.

- Finding out that someone might have a shockingly similar back story to them as Billy. Which was an OOCly unexpected turn.

- Official Blackstone security detail for the late night dishwasher. Good times.

- "Why are there people with skulls on their face bandanas?" "Don't worry about that. They're with me." And that was when people just stared at me strangely.

- Every time someone noticed that I changed Billy's make up for after dark. Thank you for that, each and every one of you.

- "Expose Fetch. Short repel to Fetch. Grant 30 Protection to Fetch. Frenzy to Fetch." And like a house of cards, Billy's mind came tumbling down.

- "You've got spirit bullets?" "You thought I was joking when I told you guns really like me?"

- The Speeches of Awesome. Oh, the speeches of awesome. This was a good session for people to give speeches. The Reverend's ho-down of God's favor, Sally's motivational madness... it was so very awesome.

- Actually catching the sunset in time to sing Red Sky; it is different doing it without a tribal drum group, but it still felt good

It was good to see all the familiar faces, but special props to the new players. They really brought their A-Game on costuming and make up, and dove right into the deep end. It was great RPing with you, and I hope you'll be coming back in November.
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Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby Owle Isohos » Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:39 pm

The entire conversation I had with Maxwell, Rev, and Beatrice. Here are some of the highlights:

-Lasers are safer than love
-Things that are safer are not always better
-"I should build a Philosobot!"
"Are you going to put lasers on the Philosobot? That's a bad idea; lasers are a poor explanatory tool!"
"Depends on what you're trying to explain."

Walking with Pandora in the dark:

"I'm hungry. *proceeds to explain morally questionable dietary restrictions* ...I shouldn't have said that."
"Hey, it's cool. Some people are demons, some people have strange dietary requirements. I'm not judging."

Chatting with the antique shop owner (Noel Russo?) and getting invited to visit his atelier. The moment after we rescued him when I realized he had bright red eyes and was trying to figure out how to point that out to people without being rude:

"You have really pretty eyes."
*everyone stops and stares at me*
"What? He does!"

Getting handed the Boffernomicon and trying to Diagnose Alive on it.

The rave! Everybody breaking it down on the dance floor! Doing the Moth dance, and the newly created Penance and Mr. Marner dances (no one tell Mr. Marner.)

Best Sasquatch Tour ever! The Walker family puts on a most excellent show, and the fight with those monsters was insane. I felt both competent and very, very necessary in that combat, which is a rare balance to strike. My only regret is not getting to hug the Sasquatch.

The Walk back. 50 ways to die in the woods (now with bears!) Gil knocking Sally over the back of the head to shut him up. The entire conversation with Slicewick and Pandora, sitting outside under the stars. I thought I would collapse in exhaustion as soon as we got back from that hike, but staring up at the stars chatting about magic, wonder, and the nature of humanity was a revitalizing moment of beauty I won't soon forget.

The conversation with Sir Frostwright on Friday night. Huzzah for NPCs willing to stick around and answer questions!

JD's really girly scream, Sally insisting everything was fine, and the resultant roleplaying with Eden and Sally.

Rev's Hoe Down of Protection!

Sally's squirrel pie!

Red Raver licking Leo's magic stick. No, that's not a euphemism.

Sally getting slapped by the Dawn King. He really sold the force of that slap.

Suggesting to someone that the Bell Tower is the best place for clandestine meetings.

Too many more to tell. You guys are all awesome, and I really enjoyed my interactions with everyone this weekend.
-Kelsey Graham (that medic with the black fedora and the purple coat)

-aka Lauren (OOC)
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Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby HecateSkivvy » Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:48 pm

The mod entitled, and I quote, "Hit Petrie With a Truck" and the aftermath thereof. That mask. All I can say.

The golem mod, as a whole. Everything from the Ken dolls to the clay to Leslie playing teacher's pet to Jake's rabbi as he told jokes. I really enjoyed that character.

+1 on the lake threats. It was a hilarious, rare occurrence to witness Fell not taking himself so seriously for once.

The ebb and flow of tension between Phil and Leslie, and how it evaporates (note: is repressed) the moment anything important happens. (See Hit Petrie With a Truck above.)

That said, I did feel my bowels loosen a little when all of the demons started cackling maniacally in the background as I left Phil rooted in place. Oh, the beauty that is the power struggle.

Hobb is a bug, guys! He's a bug. A beelzebug at that. I love this game.

Jake's look of complete and utter glee as I said the phrase "Professor, I have a potentially ethically invasive question to ask..." And the aftermath thereof. "So, we're going to never speak of this again, right?"

My pen pal is totally a supervillain, and I'm okay with that.

Skye's rat-man was hilarious.

Scott, your roleplaying is probably the best I've ever seen. Don't stop.

Getting into apology fights with the townsfolk in that last mod, and getting bumrushed by Beatrice, and my combat interactions with Liberty Blue and hockey stick guy among others.

The Leo fiasco. Oh man, the Leo fiasco. Sorry if I said anything too hurtful - it was all In-game.

Corvus and his looks of disapproval.

I loved the whole festival - the games, the toys, the blind molly. Especially the blind molly.

Being given "Candy" by red raver. You may have started me on something awful. You monster.:P

Also, whoever made those super awesome dragon weapons has got to be pretty proud of their work. He's probably real handsome, in fact he's most certainly the most attractive person around. Everybody should strive to be like him. I'll bet he gets all of the booty from his preferred gender he could ever want... There's just something so satisfying about seeing something you made with your own hands contribute to such an amazing world.
Leslie-Evan Marshall,
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Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby Sally » Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:30 pm

For the second session in a row, the Staff BROKE Sally Lautner. Last time, it was in front of pretty much the whole town. This time, it was an intimate dinner party for maybe a handful and a half of people to see.

*Dr. Rue, Ness, Dr. Zinc, Liberty, and Kelsey for helping Sally deal with the Detoxing. Kids... don't drink. And if you do, don't ever, ever, ever stop. And for that matter, Gabriel's matter of fact way of dealing with one of the symptoms.

*Beatrice's response to Sally's new Fashionable Accessory (not to mention Hartighan & Mason's reactions)

*Fucking JD's added commentary as I tried to explain why I have a single Bound shackle attached to my arm, and Gus's later suggestion of putting some duct tape around the loose cuff. And to whichever Staff member wrote the research around that, I owe you a non-squirrel pie.

*The look on Billy St. Francis's face when I described the above ritual.

*THE GAME. It was so full of cringe and hilarity and pain. God Damn You Springford, Ryan Jenner will forever have Sally's respect as a Hard Core Baller. Little Amy Kennigan is a tyrant.

*Rat People. Hillbilly Hunters that kept saying "Hey Sally!" Dear god, their demands for cheese. Their inability to figure out Thumbs. Having to Pied Piper them to safety. The Ross Family being utterly, realistically horrified at what happened to those poor hunters. Leslie & Phil NOT being as such. My heart skipped two beats when one of them started swinging a weapon next to Kelsey (save the Medic, save the world!). Skye randomly shooting into the AAA.

*Pandora. Her costume. Her RP. Everything. Her request for aid in feeding.

*Rail & Sam! You guys just threw yourselves into our messes and were awesome!

*Corvus at the end of the first Book Club gate thing. He's about 50 feet from everyone else, in the pitch black, murdering imps. People are calling out to him. Whack-whack-whack. "Got it," he calls out. Sooooo bad ass.

*BOB VS THE NINJA. "I paralyzed you, friend." And the potato that followed.

*Ezra's NINJA RUN. Mike Stryfe, Hartighan, Rhyan, and I running down the Ninja behind the cabin and having to block & dodge the DEATH swings. Hartighan & Stryfe's reactions were priceless.

*The Rave. People taking the Shots for Sally. Bob's very Special Off-Duty Get Up. Victor drinking... and this somehow being Sally's fault. THE REINS OF CASTAMERE. Maxwell, by gods, Maxwell dancing.

*Dr. Rue's heartbreak at Leo's death (god, the tears!). Everyone wanting to slap the shit out of Leo upon his revival. That fucking Bug Demon.

*Walking home at a freezing 4 AM to find that our cabin had a Late Night Visitor and coming across an amazingly terrified Leslie & Phil. The story that followed was so. goddamn. good.

*And for that matter, Leslie & Phil's blow up after the Long Walk back. That was an ~amazing~ scene to be like 3 feet from.

*Gabriel's debut on the field with Alice. I did a full double take when he healed Alice and the implication there. His subtlety all weekend was top of the mark.

*Mellie's hard-and-fast stance about a certain horned population. With her Daddy taking a nap, she brought the Cold Hard Truth to the table.

*The Dawn Fey battle. Mid-field parley with Bartlett's Knight & Michelle's Dragon. Honorable Combat. Realizing, as they surrounded us on the 3rd side, that we were whooped and having to negotiate our surrender with the King. Getting pimp-slapped sober so that I could stop babbling at his feet. People urging me to talk every time I looked down to the Knife.

*When Sally broke. Staff urging him on. Being saved by such an unlikely, incredible, source. The joke. Being used to help others, even when I was a spazzing, panicked mess. Sending for JD. Getting put back together by the Hanley Halfway House's charter members. Eden being so calm. Mason taking a Sample. Real person fears of Jail. Throwing myself on the mercy of the Justice system. Having a goddamn lawyer present. The looks on people's face when I get back to the diner and was... messy. Every single thing about this encounter. (and that poor NPC- thank you so much!). Having to wipe away the '6 Days Without a Drink' sign and back to 0.

*Noel the red-eyed antiquarian running in front of our cabin for safety and me knee-capping the ghouls chasing him, one after another. ALWAYS ON OUR DAMN LAWN?!

*Vacily's repeated implications about Sally & underage girls.

*The raccoon (Spinney) pawing at our window with the bloody bandanna in his mouth.

*Victor Jones, Blackstone Intern.

*Professor Challenger's very subtle and quiet request to move the Coos County Historical Fiction Side away from his booth, lest any townsfolk he should try to help see it.

*Gil's displeasure with Sally's pleasure on the Long Walk.


*Talking to Alana & Jackal about Mason's directives. Jackal was having none of this shit. Alana and Sally commiserating on how done we were with fighting in the Dark.

*Pickwick & Reginald existing.

*Madrigus reading my fortune, again!


*The horrific end to the Sasquatch Tour. I will say no more, but you all on that tour know what happened. French fucking toast.
Salvador "Sally" Lautner
GySgt., USMC (ret.)

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Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby Amelia Casselman » Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:55 pm

Nadina "Amelia" Casselman
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Re: Favorite Moments, October 2014

Postby Aaron » Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:07 pm

Interactions with the new players, even though they were pretty short. Maxwell has trouble with socializing sometimes, but, you are all amazing and I want to talk with you more.

There's a character younger than me! I mean, of course there is, Maxwell is a perfectly legal adult. And old. Very old. Totally old.

Raving is always fun. I need to get some new moves if there's another one, though. really practice my robot.

The hunters coming to the tavern and going, "We're going rat hunting," and Maxwell freaking out about the animals getting hurt, because "the rats are our friends." Then the hunters came back, and Maxwell freaking out even more, and the talks with Brett and Leslie surrounding these incidents.

"Love is more dangerous than lasers."


The Fae king's armor is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.

Coming back from the hike, looking up, and seeing all the stars.

Fair games! I got crabs from the fair.
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