Wording regarding Strain 117 Duels

Wording regarding Strain 117 Duels

Postby Henry Gondorf » Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:57 pm

This might be run off from subbing these past few weeks but I checked out the wording for Strain duels and found a wacky little gray area. Barring reading the whole entry to "There can be only one": It says that when one is downed (I assume to 0 hp) the victor must call purge duel.

Does this mean that at the end, any held at bay by the repel by duel can then intercede before the either death strike or Strain equivalent is dealt? I glanced over these topics and might have missed it there.
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Re: Wording regarding Strain 117 Duels

Postby Aaron » Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:01 am

So, they purge the effect on themselves, not on anyone else. By my voice, cure duel would get rid of it on others.

Purge is localized to just you. It's just letting other people know you've shaken off the effects of something.
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Re: Wording regarding Strain 117 Duels

Postby Henry Gondorf » Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:28 pm

Thank you for that. I am afraid I may have not worded it right.

At the this time, to prevent others from interceding in a vital RP and Game Play mechanic, the pair involved in a duel create a ten foot bubble where they fight. After granting the opponent a shield against the "By my voice: Repel by duel", the duel proceeds and whoever looks the least like chipped beef in a blender is victorious.

Here is my concern. The wording of the rules says that upon victory there must be a call of "Purge Repel". I hoped for a clarification on where the cheese factor kicks in. Does the "By my voice: Purge Repel" come after as soon as one falls or after the finale (read death strike) of their fight?

I believe I understand where may be going. I am concerned about the possible use of a iffy crowd control trick should it not be purged asap. Plus I rather avoid a cluster frak which may polarize masses, set loose the armies of the dead, and devolve into monkey sacrifices and a mad monarch cursing a 7ft tall roadblock.
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Re: Wording regarding Strain 117 Duels

Postby Jacob » Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:27 pm

Apologies. That last bit should be "By My Voice, Cure Duel."
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Re: Wording regarding Strain 117 Duels

Postby Madrigus » Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:30 pm

What if someone comes onto the scene of a duel after the repel has been called? Are they allowed to interfere as normal since they missed the call?
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Re: Wording regarding Strain 117 Duels

Postby Henry Gondorf » Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:42 pm

That may be a grey area at the moment. I would think should you be wary as you are now stepping into a life or death fight. You may end up either being cut down or, should you manage to disable one or both, a couple of miffed immortals of uncertain temperament.

The simplest means to avoid this: Challenger grants another shield to Opponent and Reapplies The Repel. Though that is time wasted to keep duel going and others out.

Hence my earlier conclusion that often the first step in a duel is finding a nice quiet, spot, grant your shield then go at it. If anyone shows up, pop the "By my voice" and proceed as normal.

I give this a 2 on a scale of 1 to This-is-why-we-can't-have-nice-things.
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