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Occams Razor • View topic - ...you might be a LARPer.

...you might be a LARPer.

...you might be a LARPer.

Postby Tesla » Fri May 23, 2014 12:38 am

I made an off-the-cuff "You might be a LARPer" joke at the end of the last event. I was able to think of a few more.

If the salespeople at your local hardware store think you run a plumbing business because of the amount of PVC and pipe foam you buy.....you might be a LARPer.

If part of the decision on buying a new car depends on if it will fit 8 foot long props and you can drive with a musketeer hat on.....you might be a LARPer.

If it feels wrong to show up at Denny's in normal street clothes.....you might be a LARPer.

If you look at a porta-john and start analyzing how easy it would be to defend against zombies.....you might be a LARPer.

if you can describe in detail what kind of fabric was used, the dye, and what the undergarments should be for Medieval Ireland.....you might be a LARPer.

If you have at least one complete closet at home that doesn't have a stitch of modern clothing in it.....you might be a LARPer.

(If Male) If you own more make-up than your sister.....you might be a LARPer.

If you have a drawer full of Glowsticks in various colors and you've never been to a Rave.....you might be a LARPer.

Come on people, Add to the list!
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Re: ...you might be a LARPer.

Postby Sally » Fri May 23, 2014 3:07 am

As a man that got asked "Jesus, you replacing all your pipes?" after the sixth trip to the hardware store for PVC and insulation, I identify with the first.

As a man looking to buy a minivan for that very reason... I, sadly, identify with the second.
Salvador "Sally" Lautner
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Re: ...you might be a LARPer.

Postby cristovau » Fri May 23, 2014 4:15 pm

* You visit your local firearms store for gear, but do not have a gun license or gun.

* You mumble "refresh one sanity by poison" when drinking a real beer at a bar.
- Ondrej Vlk, Manager, TRDC Beverages (Kristoff in 7V, HAY! in Cottington Woods)

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Re: ...you might be a LARPer.

Postby Kristina » Sat May 24, 2014 6:05 pm

*your kids die loudly and dramatically when you throw something at them.

*presents end up wrapped with duct tape because it's the only tape in the house... at least it's colorful :)

*You might be an Occam's Razor player if you scream in terror or fly into a rage at the very thought of a moth

*your parties include text props

*you find birdseed/glitter in the carpet, couch, heating vents, your shoes, and everywhere else all year round

*the thrift store clerk greets you by name and immediately tells you what they've gotten in that fits a steampunk or fantasy theme since you were there last week

(All of these are personal experience)
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Re: ...you might be a LARPer.

Postby Henry Gondorf » Mon May 26, 2014 11:26 pm

*If you know more about how to rebuild an old Victorian Steam Engine than how to fix your own car.

*Your depth of trivia has expanded not out of an odd passion for the obscure but out of fear you will not be able to contribute somehow.

*You see a weapon or tool in Real life and think to yourself "How can I make that boffer safe?"

*The kitchen is organized as : Early Morning Eye Openers, Mid Morning Fuel, Afternoon Supplements, Early Evening Pick Me Ups, and High Octane Nightmare Fuel Counter Thrust ( Commonly Referred to by its Scientific name "NOPE")

*You have anti-encryption technique printouts , alpha-numeric wheels, a howdy doodie decoder ring, and a whole bunch of tracing paper floating around your trunk/home/shed/ stuffed into office spaces.
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Re: ...you might be a LARPer.

Postby redraverfae » Tue May 27, 2014 12:55 am

If you don't even bother to wash the make-up off your face from an event before you: - get pulled over - go to a family gathering late - hit the local restaurant - you might be a LARPer.

- If you got excited that the baby's boff daggers had rice in them, not only making a cool weapon kid-sized but a rattle to boot.
- When someone shows you a neat piece of garb, just to appreciate it, but your mind immediately pictures you in it and starts creating a new character AROUND THAT ONE PIECE OF GARB.
- If you've spent more money on accessories, costumes, AND make-up for ONE character than you have received back on your taxes for a year.
- If you've stared at the food IG and scoffed because your character doesn't eat that, but OOG you're drooling and would punch a yutz for a bite.
- If you carry a set of union blacks around with you, everywhere you go, no matter what, in your bag... on the weekdays.
- If the cops have ever searched your car because they saw all the LARP gear you had in the front AND back-seats.


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Re: ...you might be a LARPer.

Postby Madrigus » Thu May 29, 2014 2:01 pm

If you own enough Nerf guns to host your own epic backyard war... You might be a larper.

If someone is shocked to meet you for the first time and discover they've known you for two years but had no idea what you looked like because you were wearing a mask whenever they saw you... You might be a larper.

If you pack more bags for your "weekend camping trip" than a rich woman going on vacation for a month... You might be a larper.

If you get more excited about getting a Home Depot gift card than anything else you got for Christmas/birthday...You might be a larper.
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Re: ...you might be a LARPer.

Postby Brett » Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:20 pm

If the accent you used all weekend bleeds out through most of Monday, you might be a larper

If your laundry has a 50-60% chance of packets popping out at any given time, you might be a larper.

If you have ever sleepily made the decision to get out of bed around ten in your own home solely because "That's when the ward goes down" You might be a larper
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