:: Liberty takes an infinitesimal step closer to Sally and in a voice that is only for him ::
I'm backing off now. Wrong place. Right time. I have some other things I can say to you that aren't really for present company as they might offend, but they can wait. A little bit. But, the next time you start questioning yourself or the choices you *had*
:: strong emphasis on the last ::
to make to survive? I am going to take you behind the woodshed and hit you with some hard truths. Deal?
:: She steps back two steps and cocks her head at him ::
I had money on you wetting yourself in the hot sauce challenge. Or someone wetting themselves. It was a little disappointing that no one did.
:: At this she turns more fully to the remainder of the room. She points at Dallas ::
I like comics.
:: Then she turns towards Alice ::
I like books.
:: To Lou, she gives a thumbs up and says ::
Cleaning. Great. Though I think we should help you get a hobby.
:: Finally she looks to Eden. Her expression goes from a grin to dead serious, the slightest call for reassurance in her gaze. As in, I'm pretty sure I just royally screwed up and I have no experience fixing things and why should I fix things? And why am I feeling compelled to fix things? My stomach hurts. People are confusing. Yep, all that was in that single serious/panicked/angry look ::
Movies are good. They can have a lot of subtext-slash-deep meaning or fart jokes.
:: then to the room at large, she says ::
If we are looking for a community activity, I'd also say board games are good. As long as it isn't Scrabble. When people play a word and you ask them what it means and they say "I don't know, but I know it is worth 3-bazillion points" it makes me want to shoot them. And, apparently, shooting members of the community is 'wrong'.
:: The last is said in a mock-conspiratorial tone that begs the others to join the joke ::
:: After a moment, she turns back to Sally ::
Before I forget, my survival horror stereotype is definitely the 'mysterious loner' antihero who appears in the town and is, confusingly-enough to themselves, turned into a hero/rescuer by their interaction with the rest of the community.
:: She goes for a wink. It seems a little weird. Like maybe she's never tried one before ::