Fav moment -
Zombie-Plague-Rabid-Chimp THe0ry!!!
Hartighan deducing that the 'accident scene' was identical to the plot for "28 Days Later"... because it amused (me). The "Rabid-Zombie-Plague-Chimp" theory was the BEST running joke ever, and
I loved how everything that seemed to fit into it (hippies liberating animals, Ape-sightings, etc) seemed to fuel the theory - and freaked people the hell out. Even though Hartighan himself was just messing around - the number of coincidences began to pile up, and by the end he had even freaked himself out!
The Scourging of Sally
The drama of everyone begging the Butcher to drop Sally was just amazing. All parts of that scene, including the quiet ones with Nile later.
The "Run-down" with Alice
Chasing down the Irradiated snipers was good fun... and a lot of bonding happens on those Ops.
Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time...
Failed Op/Killer Robots - great drama can come from failures. PS: The robots were terrifying.
Also - wtf, Nile wins pie-eating contest!?!?!? I cannot say anything about this... the censors would... [bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep].
LOVED wandering into the Lakeshore Runes event - just love the "scooby gang" and I appreciate all the characters in it.
Love the team we had for the Ops raids. Hope they don't fall off. It's a great team...
OOC to all the folks - Thanks for all the talks. People who speak with Hartighan get good roleplay out of me, and I truly appreciate it. I know this character is loud and a little... "malevolent", but I thank the PC's who make the attempt.
I am more than Chimpanzee's and "that's what she said" jokes...
...but those parts are funny too.
Love my... friendship? with the blue-collar boys. Dragging ethan's body out of the woods. Ed saving the day. Hank, Gil and his crew. Loved getting to know JD, and my medics whose names I can never remember irl! wth?!
Here's to the fighters who throw themselves into the fray! And the peoples whose game is patching them up.
And to Adria/Nile
- playing an 'interlocked' concept is sometimes difficult... but truly rewarding... especially when you are covered in... [bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep]. What!?! I was gonna say Pie!!

More "books". More Alice and Sally, More blue collar & Gil!
More OR to come!!!
aka - Hartighan
IC: Elderd Hartighan - regular guy. Have Nile, will travel.
NPC: regular at Shadows of Amun
Bicolline: Asher Fells, Ordo Cervi - Captain of the Heavy Footman