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Occams Razor • View topic - Favorite Moments, May 2014

Favorite Moments, May 2014

Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby Sally » Tue May 13, 2014 2:54 pm

Anything Gus can do... Sally can do much more poorly and to a far worse result, so, I'll just quote the Deputy Fire Marshal:

"Hey folks, it's that time: favorite moments of last game! Be it your top ten, funny lines, or cool things that happened, let's hear it!"
Salvador "Sally" Lautner
GySgt., USMC (ret.)

"All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach."

LL: Shaw LaMont
5G: Landry Saulteaux
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Re: Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby PhilFromAccounting » Tue May 13, 2014 3:51 pm

The lawyer-off with my crack legal team composing of a homeless man and a tribal investigator was pretty great.

And, of course, getting gunned down by Deputy Director White not thirty seconds after walking onto the field during the big battle on Sunday. The man was quite civil after I explained the situation, though!
Phillip Gormley

You may remember me from such roles as: Agent Leonard Lawson (Lovecraft Legacies), "Doctor" Marcel Montet (Clockwork Skies)
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Re: Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby sndwurks » Tue May 13, 2014 4:23 pm

Dat Blind Molly Mod. Mmmmm.

Other than the single mod I keep raving about...

The epic lawyer fight, and all those... images... on the memory blocks. "So, I have... Biohazard, and... a hand getting mangled by gears?" "This one is... a man getting crushed by a vending machine, and this one is... why you shouldn't drink bleach?"

"So they dug up an evil skull in an ancient burial ground on an Indian reservation... and now undead are attacking us. And this surprises... who? What part of that seemed like a good idea?"

Every single time Sally got mobbed and force fed alcohol while he was screaming about delivering righteous vengeance...

Gus: "Billy! So... we just came from the paper mill. Gaia's Soldiers were trying to burn it down. We stopped them."
Me: "Awesome."
Gus: "They... they were trying to burn it down... with gasoline. Cans of gasoline."
Me, giving a look of dawning horror: "... what?"
Gus, sharing said look: "... Where did they get the gasoline?"
Me, following that line of logic: "Those are some hard core hippies."

"Are those... zombies?"
"Those? Nah. They're French Canadians."
"... That doesn't make sense, Billy."
"Too much poutine."

Cards Against Whisper Hill. It's coming.

There were many other moments which were very personally enjoyable, mostly involving long conversations and examinations of motive and personal histories, so I won't go into detail here. However, it was an excellent time all around.
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Re: Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby Owle Isohos » Tue May 13, 2014 6:27 pm

Oh man, far too many to recount, but I'll try...

For me the game started off awesomely with that car crash mod on Friday night. As soon as I arrived on the scene, I called out "By My Voice, Expose Unstable!" I was met with ringing silence, and the tone of the whole game was set as I realized everyone was already dead.

"Don't Fear The Reaper" on the jukebox! Music in the diner! Coming back from a mod where I realized a wild animal had escaped into the woods only to hear "Hungry Like The Wolf" playing.

The Dance Commander!

The conversation with the information broker in the nightclub was amazing. Also, I want to thank the NPC who mistakenly told me her name was Weasel. My friends and I have a long-running meme about death weasels with jaunty red berets and satchels full of explosives, so getting to talk to an NPC named Weasel (even though that wasn't her actual name) made my day.

Holding court with the White Lady, with epic poetry provided by Corvus.

Going into the System, and seeing the glowing faces of the opposition lined up against the far wall. Oh my god. To all the NPCs who spent hours checking battery packs and making costumes for that mod, thank you. It was so, so worth it.

Investigating with the fine folk of Belltower Investigations. You know who you are.

The Blind Molly mod, and getting to talk to White Noise afterward about how I didn't understand why everyone had freaked out so much. I mean sure, it was unsettling, but it was nothing to go completely bonkers over. Did I ever tell you about the time when I...? Also, I got to use my Triage ability for the second time after that mod. This time, it was a relief when silence greeted my call to Expose Unstable.

Talking to Adam Campbell the morning after the Blind Molly mod.

The final battle with Gaia's Soldiers, and getting to run in as a combat medic. It felt like so many folks were dying, I couldn't keep up. It was insane, and it was fun. One of my favorite moments was getting to use my Glutton For Punishment ability for the first time, because too many folks were bleeding out for me to lie down just then.

Dancing with the moths alongside Maxwell.

Watching Sally "moth" other people, and listening in on his drunken conversation with the Reverend.

...I'm sure there are more. This game was full of awesome moments, and everyone I interacted with this weekend was amazing.
-Kelsey Graham (that medic with the black fedora and the purple coat)

-aka Lauren (OOC)
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Re: Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby Sally » Wed May 14, 2014 5:48 pm

Salvador "Sally" Lautner
GySgt., USMC (ret.)

"All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach."

LL: Shaw LaMont
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Re: Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby Sally » Wed May 14, 2014 8:21 pm

Favorite moments?

*Getting our cabin trashed by _something_, getting our Walker Family Squatch Tours sign confiscated by Sheriff Winters' family, and getting my Demon Ears ganked by the Butcher. Getting to rant and rave about something so mundane as "Ya can't just go around takin' property- this is AMERICA FER GOD'S SAKE-"

Only to be corrected on the "This is America" bit by Billy St. Francis was awesome. It's the little mundane things that make life grand.

*My intimate date with a certain 7-Foot Tall Mass Murderer. ALL THE CORN SYRUP. Hearing people trying to find us while getting dragged through the woods.

*Hartighan's continuing insistence of the zombie-generating Super Chimp

*Every single time the local girl who SHALL GO UNNAMED, and Campbell showed up. The fact that Whisper Hill High students exist, with letterman jackets no less makes me infinitely happy. Linette & Matthew, you make all my Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elm St. dreams come true!

*People suggesting we try to keep Daughter Who Cannot Be Named away from the Campbell boy ("They're teenagers, fer fuck's sake, you try and split 'em up and she'll wind up preg'nant by the end of the week!") by sending Jackal to either one of them as a distraction.

*Winn the School Girl returning to give her thanks for getting rescued and her mother's insistence about "Bears". She was delightful enthused about her maiming.

*Just shooting the shit with the Blackstone rep from last time's munitions case (Mark) during meal time

*Declaring in the dead of night to Alice that "we have all sorts of bad-ass invest-i-gative types like Kelsey, Nick, an' Henry Gondorf here that can sort out that there mystery" and BAM! who should walk by, but Henry Fucking Gondorf, ready to take the case.

*TRDC Beer, of course. Being REPEATEDLY HANDED BEER BY PEOPLE and having liquor forced down my throat!

*Seeing Gus get multi-Mothed by the horror that Mason started on the world.

*JD Walker breaking a golldarn Croquet Mallet over the back of my head. That boffer and I had been through some shit together

*WINNER, AND NEW PIE EATING CHAMPION OF THE AAA DINER: NILE GERARD! Everything involving the PIe Eating Contest. The very fact that "Them Ross Boys" exist.

*Liberty Blue schooling us in how to TronBall like pros. The Meme-Off.

*Dust. All things Dust. Don't stand within 100 yards of dust. Don't try and melee fight Dust. Just. Don't.


*Ethan the Ridden pulling out the 5-way pizza slicer in the Breakfast line, and by the same token, Michael Stryfe's explanation of what "Vivisection" is.

*Beatrice's flippant defense of Satan and his minions, down by the lake with the Very Disgruntled Ghost. "You talked that Ghost into committing suicide!"

*"The Sin and Evil of Alcohol!" Preach on, Reverend.

*Never pull Gil's hair. Nev. Er.



*Dr. Ellie's very special way of taking care of maims.

*The Fire Alarm Jamboree as we hit Blue-Oh-Clock Sunday morning

*Smoking some Blackstone jaboos and... freeing the the rats of NIMH! The Brain!

*Dr. ZInc and Blackstone #4 having WORDS

*Mothafuckin' Blind Molly, and the Psychic Damaged and Esper Domino Effect.

*Waking up to see Leslie getting dragged by his collar up Main Street.

*Gus's hierarchy of things that can go fuck themselves.

*Watching 4 Towers and CCIFA haggling over Demon Parts (and not an ear could be spared...). Parker's cry of "My doll!" when he realized the little bastard was inside the circle.

*Ondrej and Phil's speeches!

*"The Horny Dork in the Purple Tie"

And sooooooo many more. I'm still only halfway through my PEL, so stuff is coming back to me in waves.
Salvador "Sally" Lautner
GySgt., USMC (ret.)

"All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach."

LL: Shaw LaMont
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Re: Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby Greige » Thu May 15, 2014 2:09 am

Waking up in the middle of the night to a trio of npc's while delirious with a fever, and thinking they were ACTUALLY there to kill me.

I haven't screamed so loud in a loooong time. :lol:
"There are secrets even the desert sands cannot hide. All one has to do is dig."

Jackal, aka Paul (real life), aka Ashren (fables), aka "That creepy mannequin at Clockwork Skies"
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Re: Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby Amelia Casselman » Thu May 15, 2014 12:03 pm

Chasing after Penance dragging Sally through the woods with a bunch of townsfolk, knowing it'd probably be a suicidal mission, but needing to follow along anyway because Sally was the town's idiot mascot, okay! leap-frogging different groups of people as Penance kept rooting us. Eventually thinking we lost them, only to hear Sally's screams. Then listening to him tortured.

Yes. Listening to Sally be tortured was my favorite part of the event. Wonder what that says about me! Loved all the blood, haha.

Somehow spending a very long time in the company of two demons, one sewing, the other reading Brett's conspiracy book, and I was writing notes for another LARP. Then randomly going for a walk around site before one of the downpours. We collected a loooot of ammo.

Offending the Reverend for taking Beatrice's side in the case of "you should just let her help you out" and occasionally trolling him when she wasn't around ;) I found out OOG that he tortured a ghost into committing suicide. Soooo wish I knew that IG.

Poor Leslie. He just asks to be made fun of.

Playing TronBall against PCs, though damn it was hard to see. And I swear we practiced picking up the darn balls and it was easy, but while playing... pffff.

"This is your fault, you realize," to the Reverend after he tried to convince Sally about the sin of alcohol, which subsequently led to Sally "finding Jesus." Look what you did, Reverend.

"Hey... psss. Sally. She cares about you," to Sally after Dr. Ellie warned him about the Butcher's sword and he looked pretty out of it. See! Maybe you're growing on her~~

"I think I need to stop associating with you," to Mason, after watching him mothdance someone Sunday morning. Cannot unsee.

Meeting Eden's friend Moghold, or whatever it is. Explains SO MUCH about why Eden picked Amelia up while she was hitchhiking to Whisper Hill.

"Are you a mechanic?" "No." "He needs a mechanic." "Uh huh. Heal 1 by faith. *waaaaaalk away before any questions get asked*"

Oiii, there's a lot more I'm sure.
Last edited by Amelia Casselman on Fri May 16, 2014 6:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
Nadina "Amelia" Casselman
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Re: Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby Tempest » Thu May 15, 2014 11:54 pm

that lawyer battle was awesome. best legal team ever.

being scared away by the ravers that came into the dinner. they horrified Vasily

being a big damn hero and saving all the people left behind by blackstone.

doing thing that were morally ambiguous at best but people laughing it away because Vasily is just so crazy

cheating at cards and getting away with it because Vasily told them he would.

being part of a group of people then DJ asks vaguely if someone could watch over the child like preacher and Vasily volunteering as DJ runs back into the building and demands the a real adult watch him.

feeding the rats the visited my cabin

the yakuza plot and getting blown up by every sings explosion in the rooms

meeting all sorts of new people in and out of game.

many more but I can remember a few out of an awesome weekend
Brandon Harris

"This is not going to be a good day."

Also.Vasily ,Kynon barra, Markus de' cavalier, redcard stralt, sabastian Dalton, father Alexander Marshall, Templeton stormwright.

(ooc Michael goulston)
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Re: Favorite Moments, May 2014

Postby Nixon » Fri May 16, 2014 5:04 pm

Fav moment -

Zombie-Plague-Rabid-Chimp THe0ry!!!
Hartighan deducing that the 'accident scene' was identical to the plot for "28 Days Later"... because it amused (me). The "Rabid-Zombie-Plague-Chimp" theory was the BEST running joke ever, and
I loved how everything that seemed to fit into it (hippies liberating animals, Ape-sightings, etc) seemed to fuel the theory - and freaked people the hell out. Even though Hartighan himself was just messing around - the number of coincidences began to pile up, and by the end he had even freaked himself out!

The Scourging of Sally
The drama of everyone begging the Butcher to drop Sally was just amazing. All parts of that scene, including the quiet ones with Nile later.

The "Run-down" with Alice
Chasing down the Irradiated snipers was good fun... and a lot of bonding happens on those Ops.

Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time. Bullet time...

Failed Op/Killer Robots - great drama can come from failures. PS: The robots were terrifying.

Also - wtf, Nile wins pie-eating contest!?!?!? I cannot say anything about this... the censors would... [bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep].

LOVED wandering into the Lakeshore Runes event - just love the "scooby gang" and I appreciate all the characters in it. :mrgreen:

Love the team we had for the Ops raids. Hope they don't fall off. It's a great team...

OOC to all the folks - Thanks for all the talks. People who speak with Hartighan get good roleplay out of me, and I truly appreciate it. I know this character is loud and a little... "malevolent", but I thank the PC's who make the attempt.
I am more than Chimpanzee's and "that's what she said" jokes...
...but those parts are funny too.

Love my... friendship? with the blue-collar boys. Dragging ethan's body out of the woods. Ed saving the day. Hank, Gil and his crew. Loved getting to know JD, and my medics whose names I can never remember irl! wth?!

Here's to the fighters who throw themselves into the fray! And the peoples whose game is patching them up.

And to Adria/Nile
- playing an 'interlocked' concept is sometimes difficult... but truly rewarding... especially when you are covered in... [bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep]. What!?! I was gonna say Pie!!
Geeze. :twisted: People!@

More "books". More Alice and Sally, More blue collar & Gil!
More OR to come!!!

aka - Hartighan
IC: Elderd Hartighan - regular guy. Have Nile, will travel.
NPC: regular at Shadows of Amun
Bicolline: Asher Fells, Ordo Cervi - Captain of the Heavy Footman
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