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Occams Razor • View topic - Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby redraverfae » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:48 pm

First One's Free:+7 points any time you accepted a Heal, Cure, Drug, or an Item/Buff from Red Raver.

Can't Eat Just One:+1 point for each additional H/C/D/I/B after that from Red Raver.

This Is My Good Side: +5 points - Had your Sanity dropped to zero once at an event, +1 for each additional time it happens during the event.

Hello, My Name Is: +7 points for when your PC finally discovers that some other PC is NOT the same race as what they first figured. (Hey, everyone, I'm not actually a Faerie Changeling. ;) )

Slow & Drain By Fire: +15 points. You sat by the fire (whether on the stones, the chairs/stools, or the floor) for more than 15 minutes at that event.

Yeah, well...YOUR FACE!: -3 points, for whenever your type of humor fell flat with or was missed by everyone else that was around you at the time of the utterance.

Drink to Distraction: +2 points, each time. Using Beer as a way to keep a PC or NPC put in the Diner, Sherrif's Office, or other Indoor Building (that's not a Mod Building).

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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Aaron » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:05 pm

Arts and Crafts Apprentice: Spend a half hour constantly repairing things without any breaks. +40

Arts and Crafts Master: Spend an hour constantly repairing things without any breaks. + 120
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Henry Gondorf » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:45 pm

Don't do that. You'll just make him angry: +5 points the first time you think using a call on The Butcher will work. -2 points each time you try beating a dead horse.

Need a hand there, Doc?: +10 points the first time being knocked unstable only to rise up while medics are working on you.

Their coming outta the walls, man!: +5 Points each time you manage to take out a bad guy from the shadows with one hit. Points double with each additional Baddie killed until discovered.

Kiting, with extreme prejudiced: +10 points when faced with a beastie you have no other choice against other than keep them moving.

Where does he get those wonderful toys?: +15 points when you see a teammate on a mod start pulling out hidden reserves. +20 if a Baddie executes this without giving away any hints beforehand.
People come to me looking for the truth as it suits them. They look for a happy ending to their troubles. Too bad for them. I don't do happy. As to putting an end to things, The Truth often does a fine job with out me.
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Tesla » Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:28 pm

-Character: Douglas Rook
-Formerly known as Professor John Challenger
-Position: Rook for The Lady in White

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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby sndwurks » Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:05 pm

Might as well get in on this one...

Bullet With Your Name On It: +25 for getting hit with a hostile By Name effect.

Sweet, Snowy Hubris: +5 for every time you wind up face down in the snow for brazenly biting off more than you can chew in a fight.

No Stone Unturned: +10 for finding and being able to view every single last information tag in a designated Crime Scene area or mod.

Hazardous Materials: +5 for being dropped by Death Striking a fallen enemy. +10 if you fall Unstable. +30 if it actually kills you.
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby ronfiction » Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:47 pm

This isn't where I parked my car... : Enter a scene halfway through +10 points

Someone's got to do it: spend time cleaning the diner. +5 points per half hour.

Pit fall: Step in a puddle that is a least 3 inches deep. +5 points, +10 if you totally eat it during the misstep.

You should read those tags: Take damage from an item that is clearly labeled with a tag. +5 points, +10 if it puts you bleed out.

Tracking your score: Successfully find and use tracks. +5 points per track found and used.

Bad day to be you: Be the only person to go down because of an area effect that hits multiple people. +5 points, +10 if this puts you into bleed out. +20 if this kills you.

Game-ception: Play a game in character. +5 points

D.A.R.E: Turn down drugs offered to you. +5 points +10 points if you're addicted to that drug.

Parking problems: Get triple parked at the event +5 points. +10 points if 5 or more cars parked you in.
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Tempest » Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:17 pm

power up: got left behind to die in the power plant +15 points

wanna build a snowman: sat and build a snowman well other watched +5 points

the NOPE train: if you loast you sanity and literly acted like you were a train. +5 points

shamed to death: if you fought a group of NPc's that killed them selfs rather then keep fighting + 10 points

hold my beer: if you gave sally a beer +5 points

we gone goofed: messed up a spirt plot and got to spirit andded to you life +10 points

all nighter: if you sat in the diner till 5am +5 points +10 points if you slept in the diner

pill poper: you did drugs just for fun + 15 points
Brandon Harris

"This is not going to be a good day."

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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Madrigus » Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:23 am

-All hail the Honorable Lawnchair Roosterhat!: Attend an Aluminati meeting and get a tinfoil hat. +6.84 points.

-The Bound Un-unbound: +30 points for being a Bound and managing to go a whole event without unbinding.

[also, i edited the point values for some of my first awards. they were a little obnoxiously high, but I was overtired and was like 'heyyyyyyy let's do this!')
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Sally » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:05 am

I realized I've just been collecting points, rather than providing my own Achievements!

No One Asked, But You Told- +10 pts if you offered up a deep, dark character secret apropos nothing relevant

Socks of Frost Attraction- +5 pts if you, at anypoint, removed a sock only to find a sub-sock of ice

Damnit Jim, I'm a ___ Not a Doctor! +10 pts for every person that died in your care because you're too dumb to keep checking for stable/unstable. (sorry about that...)

Southern Hospitality- +5 pts for everytime you got called "Sweetheart" or "Darlin'" with sincerity

Dodge This- +10 pts for every time a pint-sized NPC DODGED YOUR FREAKING DART while flat-footed looking you in the eye. When did OR start employing (completely kick-ass) ninja?!

Real Shame 'Bout them Knees- +5 pts for each time an NPC verbally threatened bodily harm (or "fun" as those Fey 'jokesters' called it)
Last edited by Sally on Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Madrigus » Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:36 am

"Desperation will turn any mortal to the darkest secrets hidden in the darkest vaults."
-Madrigus (Brendan)
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