There is a noticeable difference in environment since many of us trucked in from outside areas to the scenic and remote Whisper Hill community. As an outsider accustomed to remote places in difficult parts to get to I can speak to the need to "blend in" with whomever lives there in order to keep things on the level. Normally I wouldn't feel a need to express that to folks as these sorts of things work themselves out eventually one way or another, but I am not so sure that will be the case here. In the interest of safety for my Union boys, the locals whose lovely community we are guests of, and for the authorities whose job it is to keep us safe I am proposing that we start laying some ground rules on what is an acceptable "status quo" to abide by for behavior.
Now, I know that some folks feel differently about this issue: I get that. But not all of us feel safe, and are understandably flustered by the situation. I am hoping that if you would like to see some kind of order though that you'll get in touch with me to talk and we can hash out what that'll look like. I invite anybody who agrees with the concept of "blending in" to let me know. I am also looking for ideas on how to make that happen. I want to respect this community and make sure that we're welcome to stay long-term.
Please contact me directly and don't clutter up this board. If it seems a discussion needs to be had based on replies I'll get everybody together that wants to have a meeting:
Mr. Krenshaw
Local 424 Field Representative (rank 3)
Shadegrove Condominiums