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Occams Razor • View topic - Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Madrigus » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:18 am

I remember a fun thread that was running during Lost Eidolons: Achievement Unlocked! The game where the points are useless but having more means you're probably doing something wrong. Or right. Who knows? Put 'em down, and count 'em up! :

-Nonentity Infestation: Hobos are apparently not people, and they're just damn everywhere. +100 points for being a real hobo. (Hint hint there's three of us)

-Hey! I thought you were homeless!: Operation Occupy Whisper Hill just got real. +50 points if you have a declared hobo living in your cabin. (you do not count yourself in this)

-Shield by Duster?: +20 points if you were "dusted" by a moth.

-Librarians Anonymous: +15 points if you were given a grimoire.

-"Imp" rhymes with "limp": +25 points any time you get maimed by a demon.

-Stop in the Name of Doom: +10 points each time you get knocked unstable by the Butcher.

-Am I doing this right?: +500 points for every event that you don't spend a Void to reset.
Last edited by Madrigus on Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Sally » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:19 pm

100 for getting dusted!
75 for demon maims! (I will say I gave back 4 maimings...)
60 points for getting KO'd by my boy Mr. Butcherman x6

And, seeing as I spent SEVEN (thanks, Imp mod) Voids this time 'round, I think I'm safe on "Doing it Right."
Salvador "Sally" Lautner
GySgt., USMC (ret.)

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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Erica » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:30 pm

We've clearly seen some inflation since the LE days.

Do you wanna talk about it? : Get sanity restored by therapy. 5 pt per sanity.
I'm a really good listener: Spend more than 90 minutes in one event providing therapy. : 100 pts.
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Coco » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:31 pm

Northern Wastelander -- Being hardy and/or over-prepared folk, you make it through the weekend with minimal problem with below freezing temperatures despite the fact that the mud has begun to crunch under your boots. +10 points each time (because it's sure to happen again)
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Nick Sleet » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:48 pm

Do As I Say, Not as I Do: While explaining how not to set off a trap, accidentally set off a trap in the exact manner in which you had just warned against: 50 pts. per incidence.

Spray and Pray: Unload your entire complement of marksmanship and Fire from a single gun within over the course of a minute: 10 pts.

Cloak and Dagger: Have an in depth discussion about secret things without any light sources in a secluded area: 5 pts (a common occurrence, I presume)

Stayin' Alive: Be the only person not knocked out or unstable at the end of a combat + 15 pts.
Last edited by Nick Sleet on Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Merana33 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:59 pm

Potato - +25pts - End an event with 0 void, and 0 attributes that you can use for skills.

No really, I'm a potato. - +50pts - bonus for each 12hr period spent qualifying for the 'potato' achievement during an event.

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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Gus » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:01 pm

stones and glass houses
Go a whole event without doing anything sketchy or wrong. +100
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby PoeticJustice » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:15 pm

Ready To Do Something Stupid? - +25 Points every time you and a buddy charge a sniper to punch him in the face.

Get That Man a Beer! - +5 Points every time you KO a PC for their own good, drag them back to the Diner and forcibly feed them beer.

My Bad, Bro - +50 Points every time you're dropped Unstable by a PC under a madness effect or currently triggering a madness effect.

Splat - +50 Points every time the amount of damage you take in the process of going down is at least 10 more than your current Vitality.

Fistbump of Faith - +5 Points every time you get a Grant effect from fistbumping a Priest.

((Qualifying for No really, I'm a Potato is a harrowing experience @.@))
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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby Sally » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:38 pm

I think I need to find somebody to make some firetruck red fingerless gloves that say "SNIPER REPELLENT" on the back for Alice and Hartighan to wear.

/Go Team "Ready to Do Something Stupid?!"
//Along with subteam "AGONY + MURDERSTICKS"
Salvador "Sally" Lautner
GySgt., USMC (ret.)

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Re: Achievement Unlocked! OR Edition

Postby cristovau » Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:42 pm

I get 20 points for getting KO'd by Mr Butcher & then sliced to bits again, even when unconscious!

Join the Club: +10 points (at least) for each new trait you get (irradiated counts)

I'll drink to that! +5 per sanity restored by Alcohol

Drinking Problem? An empty glass: +10 for Binge drinking

Read the fine print: +10 for each agreement/contract (+25 if you sign or pay for it)

Better Off Dead: +20 for having death remove a harmful state (maim, stricken, drain)
- Ondrej Vlk, Manager, TRDC Beverages (Kristoff in 7V, HAY! in Cottington Woods)

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