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Occams Razor • View topic - Doctor's Appointment

Doctor's Appointment

Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Sally » Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:17 pm

"Don't get me wrong, Lt. Walker," Sally says, ever the erstwhile sergeant, head bobbing, "One, three, four n' five hold a special place in my country heart, 's far as amendments go. I've just had it drilled into my thick skull that the only thing protectin' them's ol' Number Two." He shakes his head though, this all just small talk really. Folks in command will do what folks in command 're wont to do, no matter what any old pieces of paper have to say on the matter.

"So, waddya," he makes sure to look at Dr. Zinc, as well, "waddya'll think is the actual reason for this here lockdown, then? That rag that came out durin' our Holiday Festivities had all sorts to say on the matter, an' good ol' White Noise- Brett, I should say- he's certainly a man of opinions."

Sally glances at the flaps Mason had just walked through, "And what's so bad 'bout goin' in there that made that Alice chickadee put up such a fuss- a ruckus worth crackin' her in the back of the head fer..."
Salvador "Sally" Lautner
GySgt., USMC (ret.)

"All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach."

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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby cathy » Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:54 pm

Zoeys' face stills. No smile, so happiness. Her eyes look into Sallys' with an impassive stare that would make any normal person feel exposed. Her eyes traced over his multiple times but never look away from the eyes. After a few minutes Zoeys’ face drops and she seems saddened taking a crisp deep breath. Zoey looks down and speaks in a soft dull tone.

“They say eyes are the windows to the soul…besides being a terrible pick-up line they can also tell you a lot about a person. For example, in men you could possibly early detect lung cancer by observation of the eyes because the cancer can spread to eyes first causing distortions in the pupil. A clouding of the pupil in the average age could mean tumors or diabetes. A grey ring around your cornea usually goes hand in hand with high cholesterol and triglycerides, not to mention increase risk for heart attack or strokes. One pupil larger than the other could be a forewarning of complication. Those are the few that don’t require magnification and the average person can look into a mirror to check.”

She pauses to allow the information to sink in.

“I never even touched you…but how much I now know about you after 150 seconds.”
Zoey reaches out her hand to Sally and gives one of her smirks. “Hand me 1 clinical vial of your blood. On average it can be up to 10 milliliters per vial and roughly 15 – 20 drops per milliliter. Now I have 150 – 200 drops of your blood. Only one drop is necessary to unlock a multitude of biological information. ”

Zoey drops her hand and put them back into her lab coat pockets as her eyes flash to the tent flaps quickly. “Just imagine what I could discover.”

Zoey pauses again allowing the new information to sink in.

“I am not saying it isn't the official reason for us being here, but controlled medicinal studies especially biohazard protocol can sometimes require a vial of blood for testing ever hour. Patients being confined to individual quarters, for isolation purposes, is common as well. No cross-contamination possibilities that way. This…” Zoey motions to the compound, “makes no sense medically based on observation alone without my equipment. However if they are only taking one blood test then the preservative and anticoagulant will tell me what they are not looking for. I don’t wish to speculate further however, I know I will just agitate myself over it.”
Dr. Zoey Zinc
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Ellie Kennigan » Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:07 am

Eleanor R. Kennigan, M.D.
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Wolfman2006 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:13 am

Mason answers with an almost practiced sounding responce. His tone is a nuetral proffesionalism that does degrade as the conversation goes on.

"Whisper Hill, just transfered into the Marshals service and was assigned to oversee the ongoing investigation of the Evelyn Milner case. The Senator hired Dr. Elizabeth Rue; some big shot expert and I'm the Federal goverment's show of support."
Mason Fell
Played by Adam Hurley
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Erica » Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:08 pm

Antalya frowns slightly, listening to the doctor talk.

"Combine that with everything else they know about us, after 6 months of observation and I'm sure they've accessed everyone data by now; basic stuff - internet profiles, ad profiles, Amizon buying histories - and the more complicated - gps, and metadata from cell phones, years of surveillance data of our homes and jobsites." She looks at Sally, "Our jackets. It's all available for the right clearance, or the right price. My guess is the latter."
She shrugs. "Personal privacy has been dead for years; most people just don't want to know about it."
Ms. Antalya Walker, Esq.

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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby cathy » Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:13 pm

Zoey nods at Antalya.

"The only thing we can do to make this harder for them is to play up any ambiguity individually. No personal information discussions and participation. And no looking at the computer for anything for any reason, every click sends information and those models in the communication tent have no security protection against internal or external viewers."

Zoey lets out a sigh and shrugs her shoulders lightly. "But to say I am not nearly the most 'interesting' person here would be an understatement."
Dr. Zoey Zinc
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Ellie Kennigan » Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:22 pm

"Mmm, there's always some big shot," Ellie mutters, concentrating on what's in Mason's ears for the moment. She's silent as she presses the stethoscope to his chest and listens for what might seem like a long moment. "And breathe." Another seemingly long moment. She drops the stethoscope to her neck, shrugs, and scribbles on the chart. "Well, everything sounds fine in there, though heart rate's raised a bit. If it's about being in the doctor's office," the doctor glances at him over the rims of her glasses, "then not the first. And can't say I blame anyone, given the circumstances. Which will hopefully be over soon." She sighs.

"Now, I'm sure you've heard I have to draw for blood work. How's your tolerance for needles?"
Eleanor R. Kennigan, M.D.
Whisper Hill
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Wolfman2006 » Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:30 pm

"Probably just the excitement from earlier. After being cooped up for so long and all, guess the adrenaline's still got me a bit on edge heh. Needles? Nah, I'm fine with them."

While he speaks calmly and casually he lets slip a fleeting look of dread acceptence crosses Mason's face but he is quick to dismiss it. He turns his left arm over palm up, and using his right hand to unbutten his cuffs. No longer obscurred; links of thick metal chains adorned with golden Hebrew characters slide out and clatter against each other gently. Mason flinches at the sound but doesn't divert his eyes from his task. Once his wrist is uncovered it exposes the the large shackle the chains connect to, it too features the golden lettering. He continues to roll up his sleave until it is a few inches past his elbow.
Mason Fell
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Mells » Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:45 pm

Melanie Walker

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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Sally » Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:41 am

Sally listens to Dr. Zinc's soft speech and says, "Gosh, Doc, you ever get sick of makin' with the bone-saw, and ya got a right future as a Consultin' Detective fer Scotland Yard. If a metric gallon of my guts and blood weren't sprayed all over that field back on the island, I might feel shy 'bout lettin' these here docs take two-hunnert more drops. O' course," Sally looks over to Lt. Walker, "Given that ol' Uncle Sammy's got a bit 'o me on file, fer the purpose of IDin' my smokin' corpse - should it ha' been necessary- and yonder doc-" he nods towards the flaps, "is gonna get a fresh bit, I guess I make for a fine comparison study."

Sally tugs at his dogtags for a moment, then tucks both the tags and the ears pinned to another chain into his vest, "Same would go fer Marshal Fell n' you, Lieutenant," Sally says, "That is, 'nless you happened to enlist 'for the first go-round in the Gulf." He says this almost absently, shaking his head and doubting that to be the case.

"O' course, them Dee-Enn-Eh samples is supposed to _only_ be used fer IDin' corpses," he says with snort, in response to the Lieutenant's mention of 'the right clearance, right price.'

With a grin, Sally looks to Mel, "Guess it's a good thing my homes the road, I keep an atlas in my saddlebags, I ain't been on no Inter-tubes in years, and your daddy pays my way in cash."

"Whelp," Sally bobs his head some, "I guess the only smart course o' action is to do like Salvador the Spaniard, where'in my name comes from, used to say-" he pauses for a moment, and his next words come out in a flat, midwestern accent far removed from his Bluegrass drawl: "Kiddos, if you can't say anything true, well, then you don't say anything at all." His voice slips back to normal, and he says, "Sounds like, iffen you want some privacy, ya gotta live in a mountain shack, hunt yer own game, and stay the hellaway from computers. That is a lifestyle to which I am well acquainted!"

Sally, who has sobered up some with the thanks of the water, will likely not remember ol' Spanish Salvador's advice when his turn behind the flaps comes 'round.
Salvador "Sally" Lautner
GySgt., USMC (ret.)

"All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach."

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