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Occams Razor • View topic - Doctor's Appointment

Doctor's Appointment

Doctor's Appointment

Postby sndwurks » Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:11 pm

((OOC Note: Because the Medical Tent thread is an undefined timeline, and there's probably an OOC line there for people clamoring for scenes? I figured it would be best to simply start a new thread specifically for this appointment, for ease of the Staff. If this is not the case, please feel free to remove this thread. Thanks!))

It has been about a month since the Quarantine holiday party, and Billy's attempts to avoid the medical examination finally run out. He is properly filed, given his appointment time and date, and shows hat in hand. The weeks spent in government mandated sedentary confinement has taken a bit of a toll on the private detective. He looks a bit more tired than normal, a sense of restlessness pervading him. Even when sitting still, his eyes look like someone pacing the room.

The assistant given by the government hands him his clipboard of information to fill out, and directs him towards the appointed tent. He glances at the clipboard, and heads down to the small, semi-permanent tent in the midst of the medical cluster. He steps inside the flap, settling down in one of the pair of small chairs, and proceeds to look over the questionnaire. He takes a deep breath after a moment, digs out his wallet to pull a health insurance card, and proceeds to start filling out information.
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Ellie Kennigan » Fri Feb 14, 2014 8:38 pm

[GM Note: Fine with me, Dave. :) ]

Just as Billy is finishing the last section of the questionnaire, Dr. Eleanor Kennigan returns to her cage, throwing open the outermost tent flap, scowling over a cup of coffee, and holding another clipboard under one arm. She pauses when she sees the investigator sitting inside, brightening up an ounce. "Your turn, enh?" Ellie pulls and holds open the flap to her makeshift "office", revealing the cot, the table, and other medical equipment, though all on the sparse side. She gestures inside. "Try not to look so excited. It's only a health exam."
Eleanor R. Kennigan, M.D.
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby sndwurks » Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:53 pm

Standing up, Billy heads into the other half of the tent. He holds out the clipboard for Ellie, standing for the moment.

"Yeah, they finally gave me my time," says Billy with a faint, if tired smile. The questionnaire is, in a word, difficult. No personal care physician. No date of last check up. Billy has health insurance at least, but it is the government issued, government mandated sort. No frills. No medication. No drug use. Some drinking. Next of kin listed with a pencilled in "ex" next to the Spouse box.

"So... How do you want to do this? Because I'm keen on making it at easy as I can for the both of us."
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Ellie Kennigan » Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:47 pm

"Our time comes one way or another," Ellie replies wryly, dropping the tent flap and taking his clipboard. She glances it over more quickly now that she was familiar with the form--it was rather more official than she was used to dealing with in town. There, she was everyone's PCP, and everyone knew everyone else's medical history whether they wanted to or not. "Your time's better than mine for sure. Hazmat suited doctorin' doesn't make for much of a bedside manner. Glad we got that business straightened out," she says, straightening her own white coat in subconscious emphasis.

"How do we do this? I check you out, draw some blood, send you on your way. I'm all about making it easy too. Here, read that," she says, handing off her own clipboard with the backside facing up, "and have a seat." Ellie, tired of rattling off the feds' disclaimer, has taped the text of it in her own handwriting onto the back of the clipboard. It reads:

As quarantined guests, we appreciate your cooperation in submitting to one* medical examination to ascertain the spread of possible contaminants.

While Billy does that, she takes another gulp of coffee before setting it down, grabbing a new chart and gloves.
Eleanor R. Kennigan, M.D.
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby DeputyDirectorWhite » Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:36 pm

Deputy Director White and Mason Fell enter the tent carrying an unconscious Alice.

"Dr. Kennigan? I'm afraid there's been something of an incident. Could you please take a look at Ms. von Schaffenburg? And while I deeply regret this, I must ask that you perform all required testing while she is unconscious. I understand how distasteful this must be to you, a doctor and person of such good moral character, but unfortunately we have little choice in the matter."

White leads the motley trio over to the cot and they set the girl down.

"Good morning, Mr. St. Francis. I'm sorry to inconvenience you like this. Oh, and Dr. Kennigan, when you have a moment, I'd like to submit myself to another round of tests--I told Ms. von Schaffenburg that I'd go through them with her. Also, you're going to want to treat her for blunt force trauma to the head. Probably a concussion, as well."

The Deputy Director stands up straight.

"You wouldn't happen to have any lollipops, would you?" He asks with a slight and wry smile. "I'm trying to make this as easy on her as possible."
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Wolfman2006 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:52 pm

Mason grimaces uncomfortably when he enters the tent, and helps to gently lay Alice on the cot as per the Deputy Director's guidence. He sighs auidbly and gives a small dry smile.

"Hey doc, I think I got an overdo appointment too"

Once Alice is safely upon the cot, Mason's concern creeps back into his voice and face.

"Doc, she really didn't want to be here, enough so that this was necessary... please be respectful of that. I know this isn't your doing, but anything that might make it easier for her would be appreicated."
Mason Fell
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby liahgeron » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:33 pm

Gil pokes his head into the medical tent.

" I heard someone was looking for lollipops? I stole Doc Mason's stash."

Gil takes a look at Alice and winces himself, "Pretty sure he'd agree the occasion warrants them though."

He slides inside and hands a half full box of dum-dums to the Director before quietly mentioning, "You might want to get outside soon, Director. It was one thing for us to be speculating about the guards on the towers, and quite another to see 3 red dots pop-up. Folks are a might bit nervous and milling around outside. Makes me glad I took care of my appointment early." Gil smiles a bit shakily. "Might help if you try and talk a bit. At least reprimand the jump to aiming when apparently a knock over the head was also an option. Still unsettling, but a bit less, 'hide under a table.' We had a bad experience with a sniper back on the island, flashbacks ya' know?"
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby DeputyDirectorWhite » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:42 pm

"I'll get to it when I can, but I told her I'd stay with her while the tests are done. I appreciate your concern, however. As I've said, though--this particular issue has been a sticking point with the people running this facility. Believe it or not, I've managed to secure a remarkable degree of latitude for everyone here, given the circumstances. A lot of that latitude is dependent on compliance with a few very specific rules, though--don't go near the fence, don't carry weapons, see the doctor, that sort of thing. And thank you for the lollipops. Thank Dr. Mason for me, as well, if you'd be so kind."
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby liahgeron » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:51 pm

Gil smiles again, less nervously, "That's fine Director. I'll pass the word along outside."

Gil nods a greeting to Mason and Doc Kennigan before ducking out of the tent again.
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Re: Doctor's Appointment

Postby Ellie Kennigan » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:21 pm

Ellie looks up as the unconscious Alice is brought in, cursing, "Maudit!" under her breath as the Deputy Director speaks. She is at the head of the cot before they finish laying her down, having completely forgotten about Billy St. Francis in the presence of the injured. Barely listening as White continues, she mumbles distractedly, "Pedialyte's probably the best I have," to his question about lollipops as she begins examining the back of Alice's skull.

At Fell's remark, the doctor regards him with something of a blank, but searching expression and tosses her white coat onto a chair without preamble. After that, she gathers supplies from around the room in an authoritative manner that says, Get the hell out of my way. "Lucky for you, it doesn't look like she's concussed, which is good because you don't have a CT scanner here. A bit cut up, and gonna have a helluva goose egg." She has to cut just a bit of Alice's hair to apply the numbing gel to the cut, clean it, and attach some bandages as quickly as she can. She listens to the exchange between Gil and White, glancing at them out of the corner of her eye while she inspects Alice's ears, nose, and eyes. "Somebody wanna tell me what happened?" Ellie asks a bit stiffly, applying ice to reduce any swelling.
Last edited by Ellie Kennigan on Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Eleanor R. Kennigan, M.D.
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