Quarantined in the new year

Re: Quarantined in the new year

Postby Henry Gondorf » Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:26 pm

"Well there you go then. It's not like we have the most pressing workloads at the moment here. I say everyone take a deep breath and look at this thing with fresh eyes. Hell, you can start throwing words in so see what makes sense." Henry said. He seemed to be resting heavier in his seat as though he was staving off sleep.
People come to me looking for the truth as it suits them. They look for a happy ending to their troubles. Too bad for them. I don't do happy. As to putting an end to things, The Truth often does a fine job with out me.
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Re: Quarantined in the new year

Postby ronfiction » Fri Jan 31, 2014 2:56 am

Lou was slightly left behind in the conversation and he looked out to see Vasily leave. As he walked off, Lou watched him go and his gaze was drawn off towards the town in the distance. He rubbed his arms some and remembered that he had originally stepped out to have breakfast and get some fresh air. He looked around to the folks that had come out to join him and smirked to himself. He picked up his plate and tossed it into a near by trash can. He picked up his toolbox and gave everyone a polite nod.

"It was good sharing breakfast with you all. If you need anyone to fix something, you know who to call."

Lou said and gave his hat a tip.
"Killing a thing doesn't make you a monster. Killing a thing that don't need killing makes you a monster."
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