Rules Questions

Re: Rules Questions

Postby Jacob » Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:31 am

The notation in the rulebook states that in the event of total unbinding, the Bound would select 6 of the following characteristics:

»»A demonic tail.
»»Demonic horns.
»»Red skin.
»»Leathery wings.
»»Contact lenses that make the wearer appear inhuman.
»»An animal mask or full facial prosthetic.
»»“Digitigrade” legs that end in cloven hooves.
»»Pointed ears.
»»Claws and matching hand prosthetics.

Red skin is not required, but given the nature of LARPing, going in a drastically "non-traditional" direction could easily, albeit unintentionally, confuse other players and NPCs. As an example, a Bound who chooses to forego the "goat" aspect for a facial animal prosthetic and instead went with, say, a cat prosthesis, we'd need to take a look at it to make sure they looked demonic and didn't come off as a Skinwalker. Coloration can do a lot in such instances, and we reserve the right to approve or deny costuming that may be mistaken for something else.
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