keep calm and carry weapons?

keep calm and carry weapons?

Postby Madrigus » Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:50 am

I'm wondering if the rules make a distinction about "wielding" a weapon versus "carrying" a weapon.

For example, the wizard has a skill that allows the wielding of a staff while casting spells. But say I'm actually carrying my weapon in my offhand (cuz it's a pain to stow it so I can cast). Since it's in my hand am I technically wielding it, or since it's in my offhand and I'm not actively using it am I carrying it?
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Re: keep calm and carry weapons?

Postby Scorch » Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:21 am

Traditionally in Accelerant, you DO have to stow the weapon, or at least tuck it, so that is NOT IN your off hand. Anything in your hands are "wielding". Obviously, the OR staff can make their own house rules on this one.

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Re: keep calm and carry weapons?

Postby liahgeron » Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:08 am

So, I've always been a bit confused on this one too. And would love a GM clarification for Occam's.

As far as I understand it: The rules doesn't explicitly state what is "wielding" versus "carrying," except in the one instance where it's clarified that the arm throwing the packet can't have a weapon prop in it or tucked under it for obvious reasons (Hey! That's not a throwin--*thunk). Here's the relevant passage:

"Both packet attacks and missile attacks that use packets are thrown at the enemy with a free hand. To deliver a packet or missile attack, the arm that is throwing the packet prop must be free and the hand empty except for the packet prop itself. A free arm cannot have props tucked under it or tied to it other than armor. You cannot throw a packet prop if the arm is affected by something that prevents its use such as a Maim effect or shackles. You cannot throw packet props unless you have a game skill that allows you to do so."

As Gabrielle stated, traditionally anything in your hand is considered "wielded" even if you can't use it according to the rules. I have also seen spells specified on a skill-by-skill basis to require one-, two-, or no-hands free. The latter is obviously the rarest and more versatile (especially for healing), allowing you to cast without needing to put down your weapons. I generally assume two-hands free as the default, but, again, I don't know if that's stated explicitly anywhere. I also vaguely remember being told that fists/claws are ok to tuck for 1 hand free spells (again, have to leave the throwing arm completely free), but swords and staves should be sheathed or discarded before casting. I know a number of staff-wielding casters like to lean their weapon against themselves before starting up a barrage of spells or a longish incant, technically not carrying or wielding the weapon.

Another confusing point comes up with "pool" spells that let you throw multiple packets (generally worded as imbues to self). Do your hands only need to be free for the first casting? Or for all uses? This mostly relates to healing spells in other games, but can come up if an attacker closes on you after you throw the first packet and you need to start blocking. You still need to clear them off for a full second if you don't have "focused" (you won't be able to finish your verbal without getting hit at that point and the pause in a flurry isn't supposed to be enough to fire off a spell), but only "successful" melee attacks are said to interrupt you, which leaves a hole of whether blocking with one hand and casting with the other works if your skills allow for it. Similarly, can you start the verbal while blocking using your staff then let it fall as you finish to throw the spell?

Part of the reason I'd like a clarification for Occam's especially has to do with granted skills and crafted items and whether they require hands free to use. The core rules don't specify here either. Obviously weapon and gun skills require hands appropriate to the weapon style, but for touch or packet delivered effects (particularly healing and cures, which one might deliver to themselves) the ability to use one without needing to drop your weapons can be a major difference in a fight.

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Re: keep calm and carry weapons?

Postby Jacob » Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:03 pm

Characters holding a weapon or prop in a hand are considered to be "wielding" the weapon or prop.
Characters in proximal contact with a weapon or prop though not holding said weapon or prop in hand are considered to be "carrying" the weapon or prop. For example:

I am holding a red boffer weapon. I am wielding a weapon.

I have a pistol in a holster at my side. I am carrying a weapon.

This whole thing interplays with the "Armed and Dangerous" business.

Further, recall that if something hits your weapon when you are under a drain effect, you take the effect (otherwise, you would effectively be blocking with a prop you no longer have the skill to use). As such, if you hold or tuck a weapon in the off hand while casting a spell and it gets struck, congrats, S.T.B.Y., you take the effect.

Other interesting and potentially relevant tidbits:

1) Very few things in OR require "incants" per se.
2) A spell is considered cast when it is cast, not when the effects it delivers are used. E.g., you CAST the spell that GRANTS you packet attacks at 10:00am. You do not need a free hand to throw a packet at 10:03am--you're using a granted packet attack.

Hope this helps.

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Re: keep calm and carry weapons?

Postby Madrigus » Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:27 am

Thank you Jake that helps immensely. And thank you liahgeron for expanding on my question and helpingGet my question answered appropriately.
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Re: keep calm and carry weapons?

Postby Jacob » Sat Jan 04, 2014 4:07 pm

Sorry, I misspoke on my last point. Obviously, you need A free hand to throw a packet, but the OTHER hand can have something in it when you're using a granted attack.
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Re: keep calm and carry weapons?

Postby Madrigus » Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:41 am

I know what you meant.
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