by Ellie Kennigan » Fri Dec 13, 2013 8:50 pm
"Well, now. Sleeping beauty awakes, and I didn't even have to kiss you," Ellie says with a dose of sarcasm, easing away from where she'd been leaned over him. "Keep it to myself? You do know I'm a doctor, right? Confidentiality and all that. You go on... practicing."
"Meantime, best idea is to stay down for a few minutes while the blood works its way back into yer brains, else y'might collapse again, but if you wanna sit up," she shrugs, allowing him to make his own decision. "Your health, not mine. Anyway, I should pump a bag of fluids in you since dehydration was likely a contributing factor, especially since you said it took the feds a bit to pick you up off the island. Crazy couple days," the doctor shakes her head, scratching down some barely legible notes on Gil's chart. "But a hydration pack would mean another needle. You up for it?"
Eleanor R. Kennigan, M.D.
Whisper Hill