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Occams Razor • View topic - Modern Weapons

Modern Weapons

Re: Modern Weapons

Postby Madrigus » Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:58 pm

If you take a walk around places like Home Depot, Lowes, and Ace Hardware you can find a slew of great ideas to make into weapons. Just went to Ace Hardware today and saw a bunch of different axes, sleges, AND (real nifty here) and and .
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Re: Modern Weapons

Postby Tesla » Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:25 pm

I was looking at possible 2 handed and polearm items

That last one would be pretty tricky. You'd have to make the entire head out of sculpted foam.
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Re: Modern Weapons

Postby Madrigus » Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:46 am

dat pruning saw. I'd love to see someone with one of those.
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Re: Modern Weapons

Postby edseel » Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:06 pm

Any Ideas on how to makes these into a throwing weapon?

http://www.homedepot.com/p/Avanti-7-1-4 ... ggKjD_-WJs
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Re: Modern Weapons

Postby Micheal Strife » Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:39 am

Okay guys I'm having a legitimate problem. My character is in the military and a marksman at that. And because of the local ordinances I cant carry the tools of my trade openly. Now every time I think of a new set of tools to use for combat I really can't come up with one. Other then having a small side arm strapped to my back. A basic weapon that I can use in self defense is something that I'm thematically missing. Any suggestions?
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Re: Modern Weapons

Postby Tesla » Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:52 am

It says that you can't carry them openly, but it may be possible to get special permission via one of the Corps. They may have waivers

Or might I suggest

-Character: Douglas Rook
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Re: Modern Weapons

Postby Red » Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:58 am

I'd suggest a concealed combat knife for self defense in all civy areas. A small arm and your rifle can be carried "onto" and "off" of the reservation with no penalty. If stopped by law enforcement you could just say you are going bear hunting off of reservation land. (Might want to check what's in season first)

To use your weapon in full view of law enforcement would probably get you in deep even if it was self defense.

I think your best defense is just to wear a ghille suit 100% of the time, and camo your rifle so it looks like your third arm. Good luck Swamp Thing.
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Re: Modern Weapons

Postby sndwurks » Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:20 am

If we're dealing with a town on a federally recognized Indian reservation, the legality of everything gets very murky, very fast. Specifically, in who is enforcing it.

Traditionally, in a reservation, the state police would have no jurisdiction. Civil law, such as the weapon carrying, would be enforced by police officers appointed by the tribe whose land it is. The FBI has jurisdiction over any violations of a particularly violent, or federal, nature. Drug smuggling, homicide, and the like would be under the jurisdiction of the FBI. Town ordinances, local police.

Personally, I am liking the ordinance against carrying deadly weapons.
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Re: Modern Weapons

Postby ken » Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:19 pm

So, a few notes/clarifications:

1) You'll find out about Law Enforcement upon entering Whisper Hill.
2) The letter of the law states you can not conceal any weapon.
3) The letter of the law states you can not carry any deadly weapon, UNLESS you're physically carrying it in your hands.
4) If you're leaving the settlement, you CAN carry a weapon on you i.e. you have a rifle over your shoulder because you're leaving town proper to go hunting. Or 'hunting'.
5) You can store and carry weapons on private property (i.e. if you have guns in your cabin, that's ok).
6) Weapons devoted solely to Mayhem are illegal without proper authorization. Most things in the heavy weapons category would be dedicated to this. This also includes explosives, grenades, etc.

Now, that being said, on an Indian Reservation, the law is what the local body says it is, typically. For instance, there's a Federal law on the books that allows officers of the law to carry concealed weapons regardless of state or local law. But, again... grey area since Indian Reservations aren't explicitly listed. Same with employees of corporations. It's currently unknown if the locals are amicable to private security carrying weapons.

For most of you, you'll just have to see :)

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Re: Modern Weapons

Postby Gus » Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:59 pm

So you're saying that we could hold a gun in our hands but not holster it on our hip?
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