I have to laugh at the disk shooters. They're so gimpy it's hilarious. I'll give you that at short ranges it's pretty devastating, but the farther away from the shooter/target you are, the slower the projectile moves and the more likely it is to curve to the shooter's right (target's left). And if there's a light breeze? Fugghedaboudit. That said if you can prepare for the bullet curve and distance that you're shooting, you can get pretty scary in combat. They're still gimpy though.
This semester at my college we played Humans vs Zombies. One of the humans unloaded around 15 disks at a zombie (the zombie in question was about 6'1" and overweight). All the zombie did was swivel his torso and EVERY SINGLE shot missed him. Frikkin' Matrix, but my point stand: If you wanna use a disk shooter, shoot them when you're within around 10 feet of them. Otherwise the chances of you missing go WAY up.