Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 5:41 am
So, unfortunately, due to a complicated work situation, I will be unable to attend game this weekend, unless there is some kind of crazy miracle. Because I can't say goodbye to this game in person alongside everyone else, I will say it here. Endings are tough, but everything ends (even the whole world). Endings are important; finality, closure, whatever you what to call it, is important. The motto has been 'keep the lights on,' but, soon those lights go off, and I felt like I had to say it has been one hell of a ride keeping them on. Thank you, folks staffside and playerside, for that. This is a game that I'm sure we'll be talking about, discussing, dissecting, and reminiscing on for a long time to come. I don't know what else to say, but, give em hell this weekend everybody. Make the darkness fight bitterly for every inch.