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Last Minute Donations

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:09 pm
by Jacob
Hey Gang--

If anybody is willing to go for last minute donations, we could use:

1) Mega Darts. The big red nerf darts? Those. We could use a lot. And when I say we could use a lot, I mean "Trust me on this, you guys WANT us to have these, and the more we have, the more fun X will be"

2) Packets. We can always use a batch of packets.

3) Hand warmers. We have a bunch, but sweet fluffy lord is it supposed to be cold this weekend, and we want to make sure anybody, PC or NPC alike, can't swing a boffer without hitting a heat pack.

4) Batteries. Specifically D batteries.

5) Totes. Durable, good size totes (not the clear plastic ones that shatter).