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Tablet Translation

PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:14 am
by Tesla
I posted this in the In-game area, but not everyone reads those. I finally was able to translate the broken tablet we found last game session.

"Great Chief

It is with much sadness that I must tell you your daughter has joined the spirits of our ancestors.

Two moons ago Swift Deer took sick. Even our most powerful wisefolk could do nothing. Know that in her last days she wanted for nothing. She was given all honors due her station.

We have heard of your troubles with Stiff Legged Bear. Unfortunately, our duties preclude us from sending you the skull. Nonetheless we are sending a number of braves to your aid. They should reach you shortly after this message.

I set these words in stone to show the weight I give them."

This was found at an "archeological" dig on native tribal grounds. Professor Samuel Fury led the expedition and it turns out he did not have complete permission.

This was found near steel arrowheads in a strata of rock that was well before any such metals were created in Europe and never existed in the Americas.
Also a strange skull was found near them, and I was able to examine it with my Study skill.
I advised the person who had it that they should return it, but he seemed strangely possessive of it and I doubt he did.

The skull was of an unborn infant, looks to date from the 1700's and was covered in carvings. Those carvings/runes would need further "research" to learn anything. It was used by a fringe element of the Aquinaki tribe in death rituals.