Hey there! Glad to hear you're interested in NPCing OR!
1. John and I are two GMs from Maine who live in the Lewiston-Auburn area so you're quite a bit north from where we are, but it could be workable for the event in November--unfortunately, since I will be missing our October event, we will not have a second car traveling to the site so there wouldn't be space to carpool with you. We do already carry two other NPCs with us + LARPing gear. If you were able to get yourself to L/A from Farmington and have an arrangement for a late Sunday night transport back from L/A to Farmington, we might be able to make it happen for November! (You'd sort of be tied to a GM schedule which happens to involve arriving much earlier to site than most everyone and leaving much later!) If that's something that works for you, you can drop us a PM here on the forum or an email sometime at either
coco@occamsrazorlarp.com or
Besides us, I don't know anyone off the top of my head that travels down from Maine. But there could be! Hopefully, they'll respond here!
2. Be advised that the wiki has a lot of out-dated information in it as it was the precursor to the rulebook. (This is why we've taken the link for it down from the main website.) If you'd like to PM me with your email address, I think I can track down a document that will work better for you. Let's talk about it.
3. We also have an NPC guide in the Notices section right here on the forum: