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Occams Razor • View topic - NPC Exchange
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NPC Exchange

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:44 pm
by cathy
Heya Everyone!

I am posting this because I haven't seen someone else mention it yet and might as well since Larping season is here! As everyone has seen in our wonderful new alpha rulebook you can get Bits (pg 166) for helping out other games we have an alliance with so in turn they can come and NPC for us. Completely a win win!

So far the games I know that are on the exchange list are:

Cottington Woods http://cottingtonwoods.com/events/index.php
Isles http://www.theisles.org
End of Seasons http://lione5.endofseasons.com
Clockwork Skies http://clockworkskies.com
Mirror Mirror http://mirrormirror.accelerantgames.com
Madrigal http://www.accelerantgames.com/madrigal
Endgame http://www.endgamelarp.com/main.htm
Terres Rising http://www.terresrising.com

Aaand here is the little list I put together on their time frames.

April 26-28: MirrorMirror

May 3-5: End of Seasons + Endgame + Terres Rising
May 10-12: Isles + Madrigal
May 18: OUR FUNDRAISER!!!! =D =D =D =D =D
May 24-26: Clockwork Skies

May 31 - June 2: MirrorMirror + Endgame + Terres Rising
June 7-9: Cottington Woods
June 14-16: Madrigal
June 28-30: Isles

August 23-25: Terres Rising + End of Seasons
August 30 - September 1: Mirror Mirror

September 6-8: Clockwork Skies
September 13-15: Isles
September 20-22: Cottington Woods
September 27-29: Madrigal

October 4-6: Clockwork Skies
October 11-13: Terres Rising + End of Seasons
October 18-20: MirrorMirror + Isles
October 25-27: Cottington Woods

November 8-10: Madrigal
November 15-17: End of Seasons

If anyone sees a mistake please let me know and I will fix!

Re: NPC Exchange

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:11 pm
by sndwurks
Awesome! Thanks for this information. As one of the Violence Committee, it'll be good to earn stuff for this game at Clockwork Skies and Terres Rising!

Re: NPC Exchange

PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:36 pm
by mikka
Thank you for listing Madrigal's dates!


Madrigal, a heroic fantasy game, seeks NPCs for our upcoming event, June 14-16. We'll be at Camp Frank A. Day rather than our usual camp; the event will be set on a mysterious island recently emerged from the mists.

Come for a few hours or the whole weekend, for the fighting (Accelerant core rules), roleplaying, dinner (and option to buy hot breakfast), snacks, and CP exchange with Occam's Razor.

PC teaser, directions, and additional information: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Mad ... ssage/8193
More information about Madrigal: http://www.accelerantgames.com/madrigal/index.html

Please contact us at madrigalnpc@accelerantgames.com with questions or to let us know to expect you.

-- mikka

Re: NPC Exchange

PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 2:45 am
by Eden Jones
You should come NPC Madrigal anyway, but you should especially come to this event. It'll be my last one as my PC of *mumblemumble* years, so this is your chance to get even with me or torment me or get your face roleplayed off by me (my character talks a lot). Don't miss the fun!

Re: NPC Exchange

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:27 pm
by Nick Sleet
We should update this for this year, but I'm lazy/at work right now...

Re: NPC Exchange

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:49 pm
by PoeticJustice
This is just pulled off of my personal Calendar, so I may be missing some games.

April 11-13: Shadows of Amun
April 18-20: ???
April 25-27: Madrigal
May 2-4: Mirror Mirror and Terres Rising
May 9-11: Occam's Razor
May 16-18: Clockwork Skies
May 23-25: Madrigal and Shadows of Amun
May 30-June1: Cottington Woods and Terres Rising
June 6-8: Mirror Mirror


August 22-24: Terres Rising
August 29-31: Clockwork Skies
September 5-7: ???
September 12-14: ???
September 19-21: Cottington Woods and Shadows of Amun
September 26-28: Madrigal
October 3-5: Witchwood
October 10-12: Clockwork Skies and Mirror Mirror And Shadows of Amun and Terres Rising
October 17-19: Occam's Razor
October 24-26: Cottington Woods
October 31-Nov 2: ???
November 7-9: Madrigal and Occam's Razor

Re: NPC Exchange

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:38 pm
by Wolfman2006
Kyranthia just opened up an exchange with OR as well. Several Kyranthia PCs showed up Saturday to NPC for us too. I PC the game, if anyone has any questions let me know.

Here is their website and contact email-



There dates are:
April 25-27
May 23-25
September 12-14
October 3-5