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Occams Razor • View topic - Avatars


Re: Avatars

Postby Coco » Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:27 am

Occam's Razor GM & PC Liaison -- coco@occamsrazorlarp.com
Fifth Gate's Callista Swan (Wrathborn)
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Re: Avatars

Postby Jynx » Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:15 am

The time has come for you all to meet, Karrie Riddle. Scientific genius, and forensic science expert for Whispering Hill.

AKA Mary (NPC at LE, Staff at MM, and PC at Clockwork)
Dr. Elizabeth Rue

If the world ends, I intend to have been a part of it. The world I mean, not the ending of it...you know what I mean.
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Re: Avatars

Postby Henry Gondorf » Fri Mar 22, 2013 8:34 pm

Good Afternoon, *bows in greeting...forgetting there is a desk in front of him and banging his head soundly upon it* Ouch! Dammit! So yeah. Say hello to the Henry Gondorf; a slightly below average Private Investigator. A good gumshoe as any. It is just less about his ability as a P.I. and more about his people skills needing work. (Apparently people have a notion that the truth does not hurt worse than the lie. And Henry has long stopped pointing out this distinction. Not the best policy for return business.)

Hi! This is Brice. (NPC at 7V and LE.)
People come to me looking for the truth as it suits them. They look for a happy ending to their troubles. Too bad for them. I don't do happy. As to putting an end to things, The Truth often does a fine job with out me.
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Re: Avatars

Postby Jacob » Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:11 pm

Welcome aboard, ya ship-jumping punk. Glad to have you!

Brice is good peeps!

(Management reserves the right to gently deride anybody who promises to NPC and then decides to play. Last time, a good half of our planned NPCs jumped ship when we released the rulebook... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. But we like being horrible to you, too.)
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Re: Avatars

Postby Brett » Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:33 pm

Well if we're all enjoying introductions then by all means,

This is Brett Mckinnon, your friendly Radio Host of ~White Noise~ THE premiere hub for "Alternative News and Talk." What they don't want you to know streamed loudly each week with limited commercial and * interruption!
Brett McKinnon, Host of "White Noise" THE source for news THEY don't want you to hear!

Formerly Pastor Ethan Talbot (LE) Huron York (The Calling) and William McGillivray (Lovecraft Legacies)
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Re: Avatars

Postby Tesla » Fri Mar 22, 2013 11:24 pm

Ok, since I've settled on a first character concept, I've made an offical lookng Avatar to go wth him.
His name is Professor John M. G. Challenger on sabbatical from Yale, but tenured. PhDs in Psychology and esoteric languages. Seems to have a slight affinity for ravens. Been known to talk to things that aren't there.

My name is Kevin, I'm a friend of Redraverfae and she started talking about Lost Eidelons (She played L.O.R.E.1138) and peaked my interest in trying LARPing again. I played in The Realms for a while, but life got busy and had to stop. Unfortunately, she got me interested in Lost Eidelons a week before it all ended (Dratted timing). But she was kind enough to keep me updated on a few LARPS starting up and Occam's Razor has been the most interesting and active one so far. So I've commited (Hmm, a pun...how did that happen) myself to playing.
-Character: Douglas Rook
-Formerly known as Professor John Challenger
-Position: Rook for The Lady in White

"Time to feed the Crows"
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Re: Avatars

Postby Henry Gondorf » Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:41 am

People come to me looking for the truth as it suits them. They look for a happy ending to their troubles. Too bad for them. I don't do happy. As to putting an end to things, The Truth often does a fine job with out me.
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Henry Gondorf
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Re: Avatars

Postby WordUp » Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:36 am

The world is a place of dirt, grime, and general garbage that humanity dislikes. Thomas Mansdale is a man who knows sometimes to get things clean, you have to get dirty. As a garbage man he hauls all the refuse of his fellow citizens to the trucks for delivery to the incinerators. And as a man of Hygeia, goddess of health, sanitation, and cleanliness, he helps dispose of the foul aspects that plague humanity with a much larger, eternally burning incinerator of souls.
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Re: Avatars

Postby John! » Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:38 am

O.R. Plot Staff: Now with 50% more hawaiian shirts!

Guys I have an idea for a mod.
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Re: Avatars

Postby Henry Gondorf » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:04 am

*bows head in shame*

Never shall I forget those fond days of running around; avoiding snipers (by avoiding diamond), dodging explosions (by dodging Diamond), meeting new and exciting people (read DEMONS!!!!!) because of Diamond, and of course the pitter-pat of my heart when I watch Diamond tell a Heirarch of another, MUCH BIGGER, consilium to basically sit on it and spin. Ah yes, those were the days.

(Seriously I had a blast. You guys put on one helluva game. Thank you once again)

So to Amend: Hi! This is Brice (NPC 7V and LE, PC at Mage: The Awakening LARP in Heniker)
People come to me looking for the truth as it suits them. They look for a happy ending to their troubles. Too bad for them. I don't do happy. As to putting an end to things, The Truth often does a fine job with out me.
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Henry Gondorf
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