<shakes head dolefully>
Unfortunately, cabin assignments will be based on what people sign up for the in CDB, and the wildlife tend to have a nasty habit of butchering things that aren't living where they should.
<brightens up considerably> Of course, if people actually sign up properly under their team names this time I'm sure most of that could be avoided.
Regarding Rappaccinians: I'd like to point out (again, and seriously, pay attention, guys), there is no physical contact at Occam's Razor. I know, I'm being a bit silly on this, but better silly than sued. No touching. Not even hand shakes. Unless the other party specifically oks it. And yes, alright, they kinda do if they reach to take your hand, but I've certainly had people shake my hand when I really, really didn't want them to. Either way, one skill in question is based on "Touch Casting" (and gloves make not difference to whether you are touch casting something or not under core rules) and the other skill is triggered when someone says "Beginning Surgery" which--again--is unaffected by people wearing gloves. Maybe I can find a relevant clip... Ah. Try: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUbplahEBfQ
You can skip to about the 1:45 mark (the relevant bit is maybe 20 seconds long).
As for inspirational materials, I plan to tuck those into the finished rulebook, but I can give you a sneak peek if you like.