NPC Call to Arms

NPC Call to Arms

Postby Rhyan » Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:30 pm

Hey Guys,
Like most of you here this isn't my only rodeo, I also play in another game called Requiem and they've asked me to ask you guys for some help. They do have an exchange program with OR so you do get some stuff out of it, plus some exercise. The gave me a message to post so here it is.


My name is BC and I'm one of the plot members at Requiem. Our first event of our Final Season is just a few weeks away, January 31-February 2, 204. It is a full weekend, from Friday 5PM until Sunday 5PM. (thats set up and clean up earlier and later if you can make it). This event is at Ye Olde Commons, directions here if you need em.

YOC has heated cabins and some great combat areas (weather permitting) if you've never been. Requiem is Free to NPC, and NPCs eat meals for free as well as snacks and other goods. If you are a veteran larper, a stick jock, a rp junky, or anything in between we'd love to have you, plus our NPC Exchange with OR is a nice bonus besides helping a fellow Larp.

If you can make it please email as soon as possible, we have no limit to NPCs but we prefer to have a head count for our cooks to know how much food to make. If you decide last minute please feel free to show up anyways, there's always more blood to be spilled

Thanks, and see you in combat


Plot at Requiem Larp.
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