Sign them. In the CDB. If your name is on this list, you have not submitted the waiver, and the Ancients grow... displeased...
Filling it out now saves both you and us time at the event.
Where it says "faulty address," my hunch is that you let the form autofill and it plunked in only your street name--there's no town or anything...
3. Rhyan H. (Rhyan)
6. Alan W. (Nick Sleet) faulty address
7. Sue B. (jess)
11. Joshua B. (Washington Irving) faulty addresses, plural
12. Donald L. (Leo Wilds)
14. Eric S. (edseel) faulty addresses, plural
15. Tom Sp. (Bottled Misfortune)
25. Jeff F. (Gus) faulty address
26. Janna O. (redraverfae)
30. Lauren M. (Owle Isohos)
32. Jamie N. (chubbythunder) faulty address
34. Scott M. (Scottmack) faulty address
35. Andrew B. (Edge04)
36. David Ch. (Justin Harkness)
37. Eric M. (AcerM)
44. Edgardo A. (Zion)
45. Sean C. (liahgeron) faulty address
50. David D. (David)
51. Nathaniel P. (Micheal Strife)
56. Larry V. (Lucas Blackstone) faulty address
57. Scott T. (TourSombre)
60. Stacey P. (immutableimpossible) faulty address
62. Eric F. (Eric) faulty address
63. Nate R. (Noise) faulty address
64. Nate (Greywhind)
65. Matthew P. (tykiran) faulty addresses
68. Trevor M. (NinjaElephant) faulty address
69. William M. (klaatu)
70. Aaron C. (Darkspiral)
72. Owen O. (Stidge311) faulty address
73. Abram S. (Bloodyreel) faulty address and initialing
74. Katie R. (Mells)
75. Brandon T. (Brandon)
1. Daniel L. (darigac)
2. Jack R. (Hurrock) faulty address
3. Steve P. (Steve)
4. Ericka E. (The7thsource)
5. Kyle W. (Puls3evo) faulty address
6. Megan H. (Megroll28)
7. David Ca. (mokole)
8. Hannah C. (NoahLevent) faulty address