by Erica » Thu Aug 15, 2013 2:31 am
I used homemade temp tattoos in lost eidolons. Can't recall the brand off hand, but they were laser printable, as opposed to inkjet. I tried both black and white and color printing.
Color toner, for whatever reason, never worked. The design would stick to the backing paper instead of staying on the plastic for application. After wasting several sheets on that, I gave up and stuck to black and white.
Those printed in just black toner worked pretty well at first. The first couple of weekends they basically lasted the entire weekend. After the summer (or winter, I can't remember) break, the ones I had printed in the beginning stopped "sticking" quite as well. I think it was that the paper got old, because I printed new ones on paper from the same set and had the same issue. By the end of LE i had completely given up on wearing them and just covered the spot where the tattoo should have been with clothing.
If anyone is interested in the brand that I used, PM me and I will hunt down the packaging. I think I can still find it, just not from the couch.
Ms. Antalya Walker, Esq.
"I will rain legal brimstone down on you so hard it will make God jealous."