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Trash bags of memories.

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:40 pm
by ronfiction
Lou came down the hill to the apartment complex with a few empty garbage bags and put them down on the table on the porch outside the complex. He looked around the bright May day and despite feeling happy about the weather couldn't shake the grim feeling that had grip over him.

Vasily and Booker were dead.

Lou looked over and up to the room the two of them had shared many times and frowned some. Harry had taken care of Booker's body the night of his death, but now it was time to clean out their room, and more than the cringe-worthy mess, the thought of going through dead people's stuff always bummed Lou out.

Given his line of work and his personal history, he had cleaned out more than a few rooms and apartments that belonged to the dead and every time it got to him. He'd find collections, clothing, pictures, all things that used to mean the world to a person, now meant absolutely nothing to the hired hands that were cleaning them out.

The occasional keep sake was one thing; a wedding photo, a signed poster, a favorite hat... that sort of thing was fine. But what do you do with a person's shoes or tooth brush besides throw them away? It really put into perspective just how much junk a person could own. Junk that a person needed but no one else did. Junk that was their Junk, and no one else's.

Lou pulled a pair of work gloves out of his coveralls and put them on. He had asked around for folks to help clear out the rooms with him and he would see who would come help him with his grim tasks.

"Those that clean end up with dirty hands."

He muses to himself.

Re: Trash bags of memories.

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 2:40 pm
by ladydarkwolf
Charlotte makes her way down the back road from Main Street to the apartments. She looks tired and a bit overdressed for the warm weather that has decided to move in. Spotting Lou, she picks up her pace a bit and tries not to spill what looks like an orange frozen drink in her hand.

"Hey, Lou! Lou!" She kicks up a bunch of dirt as makes her way down to where he is. "Just the person I was looking for. I was going to send a letter to Dallas while I was out, but I don't have her" She eyes the trash bags over her glasses. "Sorry, didn't know you were busy."

Re: Trash bags of memories.

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 5:43 pm
by ronfiction
Lou folded up some more of the trash bag and gave her a grim, stiff nod.

"I wasn't about to start something. Some cleaning."

He said and motioned up towards the apartment complex.

"I was going to go and clean out booker's old place."

He said with a sigh and looked back to her.

"An address for Dallas huh. I've got it inside."

Re: Trash bags of memories.

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:12 pm
by ladydarkwolf
Charlotte lets out a sigh. " I can give you a hand for a bit, but I need to get this to Ellie before it completely melts." She shifts awkwardly. "Mango smoothie. You...yeah. Never mind. I'm sorry about Booker. doesn't get easier when it's people you know and like..."

She's quiet for a few moments. "So that address...I was heading back out to get the Prius detailed. Figured I would toss the letter in the mail and realized I didn't her contact info. Lead the way."

Re: Trash bags of memories.

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 10:53 pm
by ronfiction
Lou leads Charlotte over to the stair case and up to the complex's second floor. He leads her inside and through the apartment rows. Everyone's apartments looking completely different. Billy's, Dallas's, Harry's, Jacob's, currently Chris and Lou were sharing a space towards the end of the row. Lou's room was tidy, kept clean by the janitor's drive for order. cardboard boxes of clothing were stacked neatly around the room, showing his constantly in flux moving pattern.

"I have the address around here some where."

Lou said and looks around the apartment to a shelf that was covered in news papers and other notes. He shifted some things around, knocking a 2015 patriots cheer leader calendar off the shelf. He growled some about Chris leaving this place a mess and then gave a triumphant cheer when he found what he was looking for. He picked up an envelope and handed it over to Charlotte.

"Here you go. A piece of mail I have from her place down in Boston. This should be the right one."

Lou says and tries to reorganize some of the paper work that is piled up on the shelf.

"Maybe the whole place needs a dose of spring cleaning."

Re: Trash bags of memories.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2016 12:17 pm
by ladydarkwolf
Charlotte gives a small smirk as she takes the letter. "Thanks."

She gives a quick look around the room before tucking the letter in her pocket. "All things considered, you don't live with Red. The amount of times we've found glitter in places where it shouldn't be is epic. She's like a one woman explosion of junk. You want this place clean? Threaten to bring everything out on the front lawn and burn it. Marshmallows for everyone!" Her grin quickly falls away as she shakes off some of the condensation on the drink in her hand.

"I've gotta bring this to Ellie. Look, I can put off going back out if you want a hand. I really do need to hit the hospital and make sure things in the morgue are in order so...I'll kick around for a few hours if you decide you're feeling chatty or want the company."

She moves as if to put her hand out to him, but it turns more into an awkward wave as she tries to recover by adjusting her glasses. "I gotta go." She turns to leave, pausing in the doorway. "You're a good man, Lou. I always appreciate everything you do," she says quietly. "You know where to find me. Oh." She give another smirk. "Nice calendar. I'm an Edelman girl myself. Short guy with nice hair and all. Later."

Re: Trash bags of memories.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2016 3:39 pm
by ronfiction
"I won't keep you. I have no idea what I'm going to find in Booker's room. Just tell the rest of the town that if I'm not seen after 3 hours to send in a search party."

Lou says with a chuckle and leads her out of the apartment complex. On the way by Booker's apartment Lou stops and motions for Charlotte to look. Blankets piled up everywhere and a few chunks of meat were drawing flies. Lou silently hoped that the meat wasn't human chunks and then debated the idea of having Charlotte identify them. Lou decided against the autopsy and looked around the room some more.

"I think I'm going to have my work cut out for me."

Lou said and shifted some clothing out of the way to free up some floor space.