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Radiation Poisoning research

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:48 am
by Tesla
Ok, I put a point towards the Prussian Blue project the last 2 events.
As far as I can figure, I may be the only one who did. I have other needs for my research the next few events, so I am posting here what I found that others may be able to build off it.

Stuff in Italics is my question

Event #4
I bought into the scientist header just to have something to spend CP on, but I figure my research point would more likely be represented by my contacting Yale faculty I know that might be able to help. Remember, it's not what you know sometimes, it's who you know.

“Radiation? What kind of nonsense are you playing with out-”

You stop your colleague mid-sentence, explaining a bit about the situation- enough to explain, not enough to seem- well, you know.
“Having some experience with this,” the man states in his thick accent, “I can certainly recommend something to prevent radiation poisoning. Stay away from it. The more exposure, the more danger.”

You remind him that you hadn’t said that you wanted to prevent it, you wanted to cure it.

“Ah, well then. I can’t say that a cure has been cultivated quite yet. How sick are these people? Are there a lot? Was this a planned attack on American soil?” More questions come, but you, once again, have to stop the man in his thoughts to explain the situation.

“Professor, professor… I am far too busy for this. If there is someone I can report this to for you, please let me know. Otherwise, please stay away from any radiation if you can and away from any suspicious characters.”
This seems like an abrupt end to the conversation, and you ask the man’s name, as you realize you hadn’t caught it the first time.

“Ramius. Marko Ramius.”
As you place the receiver down on the phone that you managed to find, no dial tone sounding from it, you realize that for a Russian name, the man sure sounded Scottish.

Evenet #5
Last time I researched, I found a contact name, Marko Ramius, fellow professor at Yale. I see if I can get further help from him. I'll even see if I can entice him to come to Whisper Hill in person to exam those effected. I play on his curiosity. If necessary, I offer to pay for the trip (willing to spend credits on this)

After doing some digging, and making some calls you manage to find some interesting information about Professor Ramius… You discover that he is Lithuanian and not actually Russian like you originally thought. He was a Commander in the Soviet Navy until he defected to the United States in the 80’s. In recently declassified documents you find out that his defection was a bit of a to do in the intelligence community. He arrived in the US aboard an experimental russian nuclear submarine, a typhoon-class vessel equipped with a revolutionary stealth propulsion system that makes audio detection by sonar extremely difficult. The result was a strategic weapon platform that is capable of sneaking its way into American waters and launching nuclear missiles with little or no warning. While speaking with people in his department you discover that, unfortunately Professor Ramius is in DC that week end giving a talk to a Think Tank regarding the Russian Navy. You decide if you’re going to actually meet with this guy, you’ll go to him, with that in mind you buy a bus ticket for DC and start packing.

You also suspect something is wrong with the phone as when you hear the person on the other end of the line hang up... You don’t hear a dial tone… you should probably let Flo know that her phone is acting funny.