Brett stands up while the Diner sits without its owner. The various newcomers of town idly going about their day are interrupted by a loud, clear voice obviously from years of radio developed to draw attention and annoy.
"Morning everybody! We don't have a ton of time to sort this all out so i'm going to list out the projects we're working on and if you're in need of thigs to do who to talk to."
Brett pulls out a binder, mishmashed, scarcthed, torn, and heavy. it lands on the table with such a resounding thud that if his voice didn't grab you, certainly the boom would have.
"Project Prussian Blue, we're working on dealing with the radiation issue and we've got some promising leads. What we need now is some paranormal eyes on the prize as it's pretty obvious this stuff is not normal radiation. If we can't cure it, shielding it from detection might be a good bandaid so if you're up to the past i'll put you on the list! Sooner the better who knows when what's coming will show up and find us all delicious."
Dr. Zinc and Professor Challenger are great resources for this,
Project Easy Bake Oven: For those who have that wasting illness that makes them hungry... This is a major short term project we need resolved or we're going to lose some of those closest to us
He waits to let that sink in.
"Melanie Walker is your new contact! "
Project F That Hike: Reserach into our Fey friends has changed into reserach into those purple Fomorian SOB's, it has been retitled Project "F Those Horns" If you want in this will pretty much be paranormal, but some technical properties on the Cold iron would be a cool little side job!
Speak up if you're focusing on this I want to get a point person here as this stuff is a mess.
Project Shanghai: Looks like some chain letter techno-demonic BS that needs solving before we have a legion of kids become possessed by something awful. Harry and the Reverend seem to know more about it, default to them.
Project Power Cell: Tech stuff, robot tech stuff we really, really could use as back up. If you're tech and curious default to Harry.
Project Stork: This one is newer, we need people who are good with the normal stuff to track down Talon. We have evidence to believe they're using children in experiments and this needs to end asap. It's brand new so if you want this to be your work step up.
Looks like Red is chairing this! Red, chat with Harry and get some tracking down on that beacon. We may need a team of people who aren't for research that are up for taking the fight to Talon. Put together a team to kickass and take names.
There are other projects we're keeping hush hush about, no Touched need apply. If you're curious just approach me or Mason and we'll see what's what.
Ok, Who's Got Me?!