Moving forward from November

Re: Moving forward from November

Postby edseel » Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:19 pm

JD makes a quick stop at the research corner

"I told moggy I would put some effort into operation FTH, and it seems like that is a worth wile investment. Would be a shame to get our selves caught in a similar situation while we are all gearing up for next year ..." He pulls out a half eaten snickers bar and keeps munching.

"I also want to state again how important it is that we figure out the radiation sickness that will surely start to ware us down. I put forward that I will pay 2 credits per person who works on it. You put in extra effort, i will pay extra ... up to a point though, god only knows these are tough times and the walker family is no exception... but i don't often work for free my self, so i dont expect others to as well."

(Clarification, JD will pay 2 credits per point spent on the radiation sickness problem as long as it is collaborative and organized through here. I will do this for the first 5 points spent on it)

"I dont want people to think that other things are less important than this, I just have a real personal investment in getting this taken care of... being as old and weak as I am after all, cant get to sick" JD cant help fidget with his wedding band.
JD Walker

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Re: Moving forward from November

Postby Mells » Mon Nov 17, 2014 2:10 am

Melanie walks up to the research corner.

"I am also willing to help with operation "easy bake oven" if you still need help with that."
Melanie Walker

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Re: Moving forward from November

Postby Brett » Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:12 pm

Brett takes a moment while everyone is in the Diner, standing upon the stone in front of the fireplace to get a little altitude.

Hey there everyone! So far we're making progress on a couple of the projects but with only a few days until we get underway I've got a status updates.

*He holds the lists in hand, shuffling them together as he reads.*

Operation Talon HR has a good number of people we'll go from there, FTH has some participants, anybody that hates "hiking" is welcome to participate and they would welcome the help.

Easy Bake Oven could use some love if you want to get into the spooky side of things.

If you're up for Project 365 I was informed by the head of the project they could use a little more normal source material, and certainly more of the spooky kind. So if you're clear on the background check come find me.

Prussian Blue is DIRE....

*Brett stops a moment to let the crowd take it in*

"Seriously, we've only got two participants with little to no medical background and as JD said if we don't work this out we WILL be regretting it later on."

So far It's just me and Jacob, JD was kind enough to put a bounty on your participation as the next three sources we use are worth two credits a pop from him. It's been stressed pretty heavy we don't have much time to sort this out and honestly I we the help. So if you're able, even a little digging can go a long way.

Otherwise, once my photo guy comes through you can all take a look at what I found to help with your research...

"Ok, who's got me?!"
Brett McKinnon, Host of "White Noise" THE source for news THEY don't want you to hear!

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Re: Moving forward from November

Postby Owle Isohos » Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:46 pm

A pale, weary-looking Kelsey raised her head. "I'll help you out on Prussian Blue, Brett. I dropped out of med school, but I still remember the basics; hopefully it'll be enough. If anyone else with more medical knowledge is able to help, I'd appreciate it."
-Kelsey Graham (that medic with the black fedora and the purple coat)

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Re: Moving forward from November

Postby Tesla » Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:09 am

*The Professor chews on his unlit pipe*
"I'll add some help to the Prussian Blue project. I may only have degrees in esoteric languages and psychiatry, but what I do have is contacts with other professors down at Yale. I'll see if they can add any help. It may not be much, but every bit counts."
-Character: Douglas Rook
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Re: Moving forward from November

Postby Merana33 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:27 am

Bob chimes up, "Hey Bret. some info on Prussian Blue for ya.."

"Way back in the day, the treatment de-jour for it was Potassium Iodide. More as a preventive than anything else. These days things are a might bit more sophisticated."

"There's a lot of research already 'bin done on it, so why retread old ground? Shake the ol' intarwebs and see what y'all can find. Thar likely to be all kinds of stuff on it recently, what with the Fukushima plant goin' up and all. However first thing we'll likely need is an idea how much of a dos'in we alls got, and fer that we're gonna need a giger counter. Around here we'll prolly want one o' them old Civil Defense ones. That way we can tell if we're gonna need treatments to lower our Rads, or just something to limit further exposure. Y'know?"

He taps his chin, "we might want to tap AMT or dare I say it, McGregor for anything they've got in production that might help. It's their stock and trade after all. Barring that I can try and see what my folks have for it, but that's going about it the long way around. Plan C or somesuch."
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