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Call to arms

Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:21 pm
by Wolfman2006
Mason comes into the AAA Diner there is energy in his step, his face a grim determination. He speaks up to address any and all who may be present.
"November hit us all hard, too hard. We lost good people, friends, family, members of our community. Of the three that we lost, Pandora doesn't have to be gone for good. Sally pulled strings and is setting up a rescue operation with the single purpose of getting her back. Pandora is one of us, and I dunno about the rest of you, but if anything can be done for her, we have to try. Don't forget she turned herself in, when she could have escaped fearing for our lives, she gave up her freedom to try and help us. We owe it to her to do everything we can."
Mason pauses and pulls out a small notebook and pen.
"I dunno all the details yet but I do know the rough plan is those who go; go in hard, go in fast, and get out just as quick. I am sure everyone remembers when Talon came and took her, we don't want to get in a prolonged fight with them if we can help it. Its likely we won't be able to stitch people up if they get shot, so we are hoping people will be willing to contribute credits or supplies so we can make some-"
He glances at his notebook and makes a perplexed look
"Shot for the pain? Huh weird name, point is stimulants and medicines to get people up immediately and efficiently. We'll take anything people got that might help us get her out and ensure we don't lose anyone in the process. Any and all help would be appreciated, as I said Pandora is one of us, and we look out for our own. Who's willing to toss in what?"
Re: Call to arms

Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:52 pm
by Madrigus
Madrigus looked up from the reading he was giving one of the locals. When Mason finished he tossed the last card down said what it meant, and spoke out to Mason.
"If I am allowed to come I can provide supportive enchantments. If other Book Club members are willing to join me we can team together and make some stronger enchantments. Keeping people standing prevents them from needing triage as often and keeps them in the fight longer. Or if numbers need to be kept down Book Club could give me enough power to hopefully last the fight. What do you think?"
Re: Call to arms

Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:08 pm
by Wolfman2006
Mason nods at Madrigus's offer, but winces slightly at the brazen mention of magic
"Noted, I dunno who is going and the like, I think the details won't be established until the information comes forth. Regardless of who goes or not, I appreciate your offer, and I am sure Pandora will too."
Stepping a bit closer and speaking somewhat more discretely
"Your Ritual idea is interesting, I never would have thought of that. I dunno anything about that stuff, but i'll trust your judgement. How long does that stuff take? There is a possibility that those going may have to leave immediately or even before hand."
Re: Call to arms

Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:46 pm
by Madrigus
Madrigus reshuffles his deck while he considers the question.
"Couple of minutes at most. As long as everyone is ready to participate when the time comes, we form up, cast the spell, and ready to go.
"As for effect I can't say for certain what we'll end up with, but at the very least it'll include a way to shield people from damage. If I start working on the spell now it'll be ready to be cast by next Friday the earliest."
Re: Call to arms

Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:25 pm
by Wolfman2006
Mason nods appreciatively
"Do it then, next Friday it is. Let me know if you need anything I will see if anyone has anything we can scrounge up to assist."
Turning back towards the rest of the Diner
"Anyone else? Time is short, and the sooner we know what we have to work with the better."
Re: Call to arms

Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:52 pm
by Amelia Casselman
It's impressive that Amelia's actually in the diner for once. She's kept to herself elsewhere, aside from the holiday party, her eyes usually glued to an unmarked book, or writing in a notebook, and shooing anyone that wanted to talk with her. But she's there, looking healthier and cleaner than she ever has since coming to Whisper Hill.
Mason gets her full attention when he enters, his words churning up memories that she'll never let go, but she'll use them to make her stronger. Remind her.
Her hands clench. What can she offer? She's still trying to keep enough credits scrounged so that she can keep herself fed. She made money selling her discounted Amizon prices, and her main customer is dead now and—
She grimaces. Focus.
“Hey Mason, I understand hitting these guys hard. Decisive. But you think there's a way others of us can provide a distraction?”
It sounds more like "target practice" than distraction, rats scurrying away from gunfire—and oh god how did she forget about the rats—but it's not that different from when there was a line of them, ready to charge Talon to get to Pandora, and so many of them would have died then as well.
“Maybe not right away, so the main group has their (hopeful) element of surprise, but after they go in. I know once Talon's aware of the group, they'll block the path to Pandora. But even if we can screw up anything Talon's using to operate and communicate, ruin any chance they have for organizing so to help our group...” She shrugs. “Maybe our tech guys can do something from The System end of things, though honestly I know jack about how The System works and if that's even possible.”
She keeps some of her attention on the locals present, cautious, but most of it remains on Mason. “I wish I had more to offer other than being a speedbump for distraction,” she tells him, without sarcasm. She'll be a damn speedbump if she has to. She wants Pandora safe.
Re: Call to arms

Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:57 pm
by Henry Gondorf
Henry Cleared his throat from where he lay on a bench over by the Jukebox.
"Ain't nobody gonna be a speed bump if things get hot out there. I think the miss would be upset knowing anyone got hurt recklessly trying to get her home. Besides, bringing a bunch of folks just to eat some lead feels like something those palookas would do. I like what you got cooking there with fouling up the works from Inside the System. I like it better knowing those going along know they are there for a better reason than to bleed."
Henry sat up moving his cap off his face to back on his head. He wiped the sleep from his face to make room of that faint half-smile of his. "We have some time before the big show. Time enough to know who is doing be doing the deed and who is gonna make those dime soldiers bleed. And more than enough time to make sure we don't leave anybody waiting for the meat wagon."
Re: Call to arms

Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:18 pm
by Amelia Casselman
Amelia doesn't say that people are going to bleed no matter what.
She looks over at him. "Do we," and by 'we' she mostly means Mason, "still have 'problems' taking things from our local Blackstone security guys? Didn't they have tac vests and stuff? That makes people bleed less. Depending how they feel about the situation, they might have more to offer, if we're willing to ask."
Re: Call to arms

Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:28 pm
by Rhyan
::Harry lifts his head up slightly upon hearing mention of the System, and walks to Mason::
Hey, I heard you mention maybe doing something in the System. Jacking into the System is something that takes a good amount of planning ahead of time, between setting up avatars, and a host of other things that I wouldn't mind explaining, though I suspect, you don't care all that much about the details.
While the System may not be helpful there may be terminals in the complex itself that may be accessible to someone with the proper skill set, I hope that you're bringing at least one person with the know how to crack a firewall and crash a 2,000 round a minute fully automatic ceiling mounted machine gun with DNA targeting, or convince a biometric iris reader, hand reader, vocal pattern analyzer and advanced weight detection system that your an authorized user and turn off the laser grid that bars your passage to the cell area. Those things are real things, and while I don't know that Talon has them, they are an advanced military complex contractor, likely with special permissions from the government for all sorts of nasty toys, that may be easily turned off with the proper keystroke.
Re: Call to arms

Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:35 pm
by Samantha
The good doctor was sitting next to her friend Harry. She looks around nervousely "I have already been approached about this and he said that we should keep this under wraps. I think this conversation should be had in the Deputy's office." She looks around again for any sign of townies.