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Paranormal Research

Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:11 am
by Madrigus
The day after the huge fight, Madrigus begins asking around the diner if anyone would like him to research anything 'paranormal' in nature, explaining that he's got some free time on his hands and would like to help out. He also puts it out that his personal library is rather Pathetic so he might not be able to find out a whole lot, but what he could find would be helpful, right?
Re: Paranormal Research

Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:19 am
by PoeticJustice
Alice's voice is thick with disgust and virulent aggressive hatred when she answers with one word.
This is quickly followed up by a slightly more rational response. "There may be a better target than those of course. But from my understanding, people believe that there may be some sort of paranormal twist to them? Something about a cult? It had something to do with people's time on the Island."
Re: Paranormal Research

Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:21 am
by Greige
At the mention of moths by Alice, Jackal's shoulders bunch up and his eyes turn to narrow slits in his bony face.
"Moths seconded. Got a mystical can of raid in that hood of yours?"
Re: Paranormal Research

Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:44 am
by Madrigus
Madrigus' face twitches, and a brief spasm of disgust is quickly replaced by laughter. "No, no I don't have anything like that," he rasps. "Book Club might be able to work together to put a spell together to take care of them, but I will see if there's anything I can figure out about them before we attempt such a difficult trial. Ironically if nobody had asked me for anything, I was going to research the moths anyway. I'll see if I can't find out where they're coming from.
"In the meantime if anybody else is going to attempt to research the moths, I think they and myself should try to work together. The more the better, right? Ask around, and if you find anybody else doing so, please send them my way. Otherwise, I'll get back to you when I find some stuff out. Actually, I'll also go to Gus and Sally; they seem like a good way to get important information like that around quickly."
Moths it is then. Madrigus' face darkens. What terrors doth breed here in these foul woods is beyond my ken, yet here are some of the most foul creatures I hath ever seen to date.
He then spends his time in the diner asking other researchers if they are working on the moth problem as well.
Re: Paranormal Research

Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:17 am
by PoeticJustice
"All my books are in storage and may take a few months to organize enough to get sent up here but I do intend to get around to it eventually," she shook her head. "If it isn't solved by then, I will happily join you. I know some of the more... down to Earth folks are also looking into this issue, but coming at it from two fronts may yield extra information."
Re: Paranormal Research

Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:51 am
by Kristina
"I believe Dr. Zinc has been elected to start a research collaboration group here in the diner so that we can all coordinate our research together. If you are interested in collaborating, I would suggest talking to her. We have a fairly large group of researchers working together on many different projects, moths being top priority for many of us including myself."
Re: Paranormal Research

Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:44 pm
by Madrigus
Madrigus' eyes light up. "Really? That's fantastic! I'll go talk to her right away. But, uh, before I do, what exactly are you going to study about them? I'd like to get a feel for what everyone's going to do about it and make sure to try to study something that others might not be doing. That way we can all compile different information."
Re: Paranormal Research

Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:22 pm
by HecateSkivvy
Leslie stands up, raising his hand in the air, forgetting he was holding a glass of orange juice. Little golden droplets burst out - fireworks to express his enthusiasm.
"Oooh! Pick me! Pick me! I have an extensive personal library, and some uhh... friends who I guess could be willing to help. Heck, I'm probably going to be ordering some more books as soon as I am able."
He settles down some. Leslie's voice sounds a little farther away than he actaully is.
"Right. I mean, I do have some personal matters to take care of, but I'll gladly pitch in. That said, is there anything not moth-related we could dig into? Something tall, seething, and inconvenient, perhaps? I figure since I and a few others are a feeling a little materially impaired at the moment, now's about as good a time as ever to start dissecting Penance for his melancholy."
He puts the glass on the table and holds out his wet hand, watching the juice drip through the web of his fingers for a moment. He wipes his hands on his pants, following Madrigus over to Zinc.
Re: Paranormal Research

Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:39 pm
by Tesla
Madrigus, I've heard a bit from an old local story. Something about a bridge burning down in the late 60's and killing 3 people. A creature they called the Mothman started showing up after that. it may be related. Ask around and see who knows more.
Re: Paranormal Research

Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:02 pm
by redraverfae
"I just want to know if any one who was on the runs to help out with the power plant thingies are alright health-wise, or, like, if they're gonna get super-powers from it or something. Because seriously: origin stories, ho!" Red speaks up from behind the Professor.