So, what are we doing with this typewriter?

Re: So, what are we doing with this typewriter?

Postby kimp » Fri Feb 19, 2016 1:29 am

:: Liberty contemplates him a moment ::
Every one involved seems to have an opinion about what would constitute a good ending, variations on a theme in some cases while others are completely divergent. What would you consider a good ending?

It makes sense that we all consider that in advance or we run the risk of having an incoherent thing held together by the barest thread. I suspect we want something as solid as possible, if we want to have the best possible outcome. And that means all of us agreeing on how we want it to go, hammering down a narrative, and keeping it tight. The less variance we have the less chance that it will fall apart.

So the story goes boy and girl grew up together, each in their own way desperate to make something of their lives. Boy has the chance by writing a book and fails. Girl has a chance by becoming a star and, instead, crashes literally and spectacularly. Boy comes up with a crazy plan to use the girl as inspiration for a masterwork of fiction, with a little inspiration from a torturer he hired through an ad. Torturer doesn't stay on script, kills the girl, their spirits or energy or souls or whatever you define as the definitive spark are trapped. The torturer keeps torturing, the girl keeps suffering, the boy keeps typing. And then he meets a crazy patchwork quilt of supporting characters who are drawn into the narrative, enhancing and possibly expanding it, while seeking to bring the tale to a close.

So where would you have it go from there? What is the happy ending you see for this story?
Liberty Blue
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Re: So, what are we doing with this typewriter?

Postby ronfiction » Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:11 pm

Lou considers for the first time just how does he want the story to end. He frowns in thought while he bounces some idea around in his head. For so long he felt like he was just playing a minor role in the whole thing. The idea of him being able to decide a larger part of the story sat heavy on him.

"Well I don't know... I really don't know what would make any of this better. I mean, that sicko getting 'it' in the end seems good to me... But gosh. I'm at a loss here. I'm not the creative type."

Lou says and motions to dirty clothes and the nearby broom.

"Not one for reading or writing really."
"Killing a thing doesn't make you a monster. Killing a thing that don't need killing makes you a monster."
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