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"Reduce" and "Self inflicted"

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:07 am
by Taranis
If you are struck with an attack and you reduce it to a different effect with an ability, is the new effect considered self inflicted, or is it still considered a result of the attack you were struck with?

An example: If I am struck with a "10 Damage!" and I use lucky charm to "reduce to slam" would I be able to use the ability "the floor is lava" which states you may call "resist" to a non self-inflicted slam effect, or is the newly reduced effect now considered to be self inflicted?


Re: "Reduce" and "Self inflicted"

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 2:05 pm
by Jacob
I would say that if you Reduce an effect to a different effect, you are inflicting that latter effect upon yourself. Like--if you are being shot at and you choose to dive to the floor (or 'you just happen to trip so you don't get shot' in this case), if you Resist the Slam--you'd effectively still be where the bullet was going, and by rights should get shot.

Make sense?

Re: "Reduce" and "Self inflicted"

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 2:06 pm
by Taranis
That's what I figured but thought I'd double check just in case.