research episode 9
Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:00 pm
by tykiran
Is there a link to that fancy new research form that I don't know where it is?
And the question about research is still in the pel should I put anything there?
Re: research episode 9
Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:29 pm
by Nick Sleet
Yeah, I thought they said the form was live and on the site? I put up a very abbreviated research description in my PEL with the understanding that I'll be fleshing out the details on the form...
Re: research episode 9
Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:55 pm
by Coco
Your regularly scheduled WIZZZZZZZARD is at work, but has been notified and will come back to this soon.
Re: research episode 9
Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:07 am
by Deeg
Hey sorry,
Some files/database changes didn't make it up off my laptop. Think it should be good to go now, but please email me if you see anything odd.
There's a new button next to the PEL button labelled "Research". You'll only see this button if you were at the event and have any research points.
Clicking new question adds a new question submittal to the form:
If you're only going to be asking a one-off, you can leave the question under "Independent Research"
If you're going to be collaborating on the question with other players, or expect things to take multiple sessions, you can make a new project on the left side:
Give it a project name and description. If you leave it marked as a secret project, no one except those you check off can see it. You can use this to keep research projects to a group, or check nobody and only you can see what you're researching.
Names on the list work the same as transfers in Amizon so it'll either be the player's license name or forum account name.
Again, please message me directly if anything seems to be wrong or if it's missing something you'd like added in.
Re: research episode 9
Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:16 am
by Nick Sleet
Oooh, very shiny! Me likey