Cyborg question
Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:45 am
by Heather N
Would it possible to get a visual of the costume requirements for the different levels and how much of our body it should encompass? I know it says basically different levels of chunkiness, but I was just wondering if I could see to help me determine how crazy I will get with it. Thanks!
Re: Cyborg question
Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:42 pm
by Jacob
Generation 1: The modifications are crude enough you can't really wear normal clothes over them. ... uderzo.jpg ... 2f87_o.jpgGeneration 2: The modifications can fit inside normal clothes but are still obviously synthetic. ... andgun.jpg ... play-6.jpgGeneration 3: Generally look normal apart from "superficial" (though substantial) scarring.
If this had been done in actual scar makeup:, you want this kind of thing to follow along all the major bones that have been removed, etc.
The amount of coverage should be listed in the skill descriptions in the rulebook.
Does this answer your question?
Re: Cyborg question
Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:43 am
by Steve R
So while I share the forum with the Google bot, thought I might hijack this thread for all things cyborg.
First, I understand that each "augmentation" or "skill" (it took me far too long to realize that these two words are used interchangeably in the rules) has a costume requirement. But if two skills require the same costume, do we need to stack them? For example, Ablative Plating and Grafted Armor have the same costuming. Do we need to build up the costuming to indicate we doubled up on the augmentations?
Second, I'm working on a hackerborg build, and wanted to know more about the costuming required for entering the System. Would it be enough for our actual costume to have LED's which could be lit upon entering the System? Of course said LED's would only be lit in the system, and never outside it. I ask because I'd like to pack fairly light, and having a dual purpose costume would save me quite a bit.
And if any fellow borgs find some good costume stuff, do share!
Looking forward to playing!
Re: Cyborg question
Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:00 pm
by Jacob
Light up would be better, yes, and tronlike is good. Blacklight reactive wouldn't be amiss, also.
Re: Cyborg question
Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:32 pm
by illuminatisvie
I've used their stuff on a couple of different projects. This is their stuff already set up to go on clothing. Some bits are expensive, but there are some less expensive parts. The tape runs off the same inverters as EL wire does.
FYI. This stuff glows a lot. I had to cover the strip I used on a sword with white kite tape in order to not blind people I was fighting.