My turn for a string of questions!
(1) As a Bound we are a demon, and (as stated) demons live indefinitely-until-killed-or-something. I did make the note about making sure backstories don't ruin things for other players, etc, but what I am wondering is what about playing already-existing demons? Per example: if I intended to declare myself Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, King of Disease, and the 4th horseman of the apocalypse Pestilence (all my titles, muhuhahaha). Would that be possible? Or would I have to make up my own (disease-y) demon that's more of a thrall to Beelzebub? Provided the answer is 'play whatever' does it come down to a first-come-first-serve basis if multiple players wish to be the same demon?
(2) The two wrist shackles I've got covered. But this neck shackle... Can it be a magical-looking piece of clothing? Or does it have to be something to be worn around the neck?
(3) It seems that the wording for the Unbinding has been [however slightly] changed. Is there a chance for public unbindings if they're well-provided for and theatrical enough (by that I mean it's not obvious that Timmy is pulling his clothes off and donning wings and shit).
(4) I'm surprised that uncalled packet damage came back. I understand that that's probably so that the Bound's Hellfire Bolts can't gain a damage boost from Fury, but I remember that people were getting unquestionably confused by getting pegged by a packet but not having heard any damage called. Why not just put into Hellfire Bolts' descriptor that the attack cannot by modified by another skill and deals 1 point of called damage?
(5) When will we see the crafting rulebooks?
(6) If I made a weapon that looks like a book (18" long, 12"ish wide, and 4" deep), has no core, and is made of open-cell foam (possibly weighted by cleverly-placed birdseed) can it be a viable Small weapon?
(7) Can aforementioned book be a viable Talisman for Hexenmeister skills?