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Occams Razor • View topic - Rules Questions

Rules Questions

Re: Rules Questions

Postby Henry Gondorf » Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:50 am

People come to me looking for the truth as it suits them. They look for a happy ending to their troubles. Too bad for them. I don't do happy. As to putting an end to things, The Truth often does a fine job with out me.
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Re: Rules Questions

Postby Madrigus » Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:18 am

My turn for a string of questions!

(1) As a Bound we are a demon, and (as stated) demons live indefinitely-until-killed-or-something. I did make the note about making sure backstories don't ruin things for other players, etc, but what I am wondering is what about playing already-existing demons? Per example: if I intended to declare myself Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, King of Disease, and the 4th horseman of the apocalypse Pestilence (all my titles, muhuhahaha). Would that be possible? Or would I have to make up my own (disease-y) demon that's more of a thrall to Beelzebub? Provided the answer is 'play whatever' does it come down to a first-come-first-serve basis if multiple players wish to be the same demon?

(2) The two wrist shackles I've got covered. But this neck shackle... Can it be a magical-looking piece of clothing? Or does it have to be something to be worn around the neck?

(3) It seems that the wording for the Unbinding has been [however slightly] changed. Is there a chance for public unbindings if they're well-provided for and theatrical enough (by that I mean it's not obvious that Timmy is pulling his clothes off and donning wings and shit).

(4) I'm surprised that uncalled packet damage came back. I understand that that's probably so that the Bound's Hellfire Bolts can't gain a damage boost from Fury, but I remember that people were getting unquestionably confused by getting pegged by a packet but not having heard any damage called. Why not just put into Hellfire Bolts' descriptor that the attack cannot by modified by another skill and deals 1 point of called damage?

(5) When will we see the crafting rulebooks?

(6) If I made a weapon that looks like a book (18" long, 12"ish wide, and 4" deep), has no core, and is made of open-cell foam (possibly weighted by cleverly-placed birdseed) can it be a viable Small weapon?

(7) Can aforementioned book be a viable Talisman for Hexenmeister skills?
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Re: Rules Questions

Postby liahgeron » Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:01 am

re 6)
So, technically, that's a thrown weapon you have there. It's not technically a melee weapon by accelerant rules. A core is meant to prevent whipping and wrapping of your weapon. Without one, you can snag or wrap around another weapon and get entangled with another player. Additionally, if the weight is focused in one area, the whipping motion will make it hit unexpectedly harder. I might suggest using a "spine" of closed cell foam with a core inside then building out the "pages" with open cell foam? It's how some folks build axes. You wouldn't have a formal handle, but so long as you use the "spine" to grip you should have a serviceable small weapon.
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Re: Rules Questions

Postby Nick Sleet » Fri Apr 26, 2013 4:47 am

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Re: Rules Questions

Postby Jacob » Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:34 pm

To Madrigus:

(1) As a Bound we are a demon... You are in fact bound (rimshot) by the same rules as everybody else: no picking famous and wide spread persons and co-opting them for yourself. No, you cannot be one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. At least at game on. Seriously, though: no.

(2) The two wrist shackles I've got covered. But this neck shackle... Can it be a magical-looking piece of clothing? Or does it have to be something to be worn around the neck? Believe it or not, the neck shackle, which is specified to be a necklace, collar, gorget, or other such article, does need to actually be word around the neck. Shocking, I know.

(3) It seems that the wording for the Unbinding has been [however slightly] changed. Is there a chance for public unbindings if they're well-provided for and theatrical enough (by that I mean it's not obvious that Timmy is pulling his clothes off and donning wings and shit). Binding and Unbinding aren't really meant to be quickchange occurrences. If you want to do it outside, that's your business, but follow the spirit of the skills, please.

(4) I'm surprised that uncalled packet damage came back. I understand that that's probably so that the Bound's Hellfire Bolts can't gain a damage boost from Fury, but I remember that people were getting unquestionably confused by getting pegged by a packet but not having heard any damage called. Why not just put into Hellfire Bolts' descriptor that the attack cannot by modified by another skill and deals 1 point of called damage? We have heard what you have said. Right now, it's uncalled.

(5) When will we see the crafting rulebooks? When they are done, grasshopper.

(6) If I made a weapon that looks like a book (18" long, 12"ish wide, and 4" deep), has no core, and is made of open-cell foam (possibly weighted by cleverly-placed birdseed) can it be a viable Small weapon? Liahgeron has the right of it--melee weapons must have cores under the Accelerant rules set.

(7) Can aforementioned book be a viable Talisman for Hexenmeister skills? No, a weapon cannot be a talisman. If the book isn't a weapon, we can probably work something out. If you can block or attack with it, not so much.
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Re: Rules Questions

Postby redraverfae » Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:04 pm

A Halo/Non-Combatant/TMI question, which may or may not be about rules but more spirit/feel for rules.

DR1N and I are going to be trying for a second child OOG around the same time OR starts up in the fall. I'm also unfortunately really deaf in one ear. As Lori, should I:

1. avoid wearing red glow-wire and such in my costume so as to not confuse NPCs/PCs about the green & red Halo rule
2. try to avoid getting involved in plots when/if I switch to Non-C, due to most of them involving combat, thusly making it an unfair advantage of sorts if people couldn't swing at me,
3. should I listen when PCs/NPCs demand that everyone go outside if I'm currently a Non-C
4. and if I missed a By-My-Voice call and yet see everyone around me writhing or gibbering or something, should I just follow suit or break character and double-check that it really would have affected Lori in the first place(I don't mind being the slow kid in acting out effects)?

Thanks in advance! :)

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Re: Rules Questions

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:16 pm

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Re: Rules Questions

Postby sndwurks » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:22 pm

Regarding Bound, and specifically the Contractual Obligations power, I have some questions which might be rules as intended? But clarification would be awesome.

1) When selecting your Keeper at the start of the game, the only thing it says is that the Keeper must A) be told you True Name, B) be touch spelled and given the card, and C) not be Bound themselves. Does the Keeper have to be a PC? The rules say "character" and not a "player character". Does the Keeper have to be willing? Were I playing Scruffy, the Bound Janitor of Hell, and I just walked up to another PC who had no idea who and what I was at the start of the game, could I go 'Yeah, this is my true name, and boom, you're a Keeper, kiddo.' I acknowledge that this does dance along the edge of 'Don't be a dick' but it's still a viable question.

2) What happens when / if your Keeper dies? Does the Bound get to immediately select a new Keeper? Or do you have to wait until the start of the next session?
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Re: Rules Questions

Postby Jacob » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:29 pm

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Re: Rules Questions

Postby Nick Sleet » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:32 pm

Concerning the Fractured Realities:

"Unhealthy Obsession
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Choose an
attribute not used by your psychic template. You cannot
spend one of your points of that attribute voluntarily."

So I start with two air; if I take this FR, does that mean that I can only spend one of those two air in any reset, effectively reducing me to 1, or does this mean I can never ever spend air for abilities ever?
Nick Sleet - Private Investigator, Diogenes Club

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