by Brett » Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:20 am
I got this one!
Accelerant In Layman's Terms!
Agony- 10 seconds of horrible pain! Defend, run!, crumple into a corner! (No offensive skills for a full 10 seconds, this means a slow count no speeding it up because of the monsters)
Maim- The limb hit or called for the attack is junk, no flamingo hopping if it's a leg, stays that way until it's cured.
Slam (covered)
Silence: No talking! 5 Minutes of rest to fix usually means spells cannot be cast
Weakness: Can't swing any called damage, rest for 5 minutes to fix
Root: Right foot is stuck in place, rest for 5 minutes to fix, try not to die!
Rest: 5 minutes of uninterrupted sitting, resting, etc. no walking around or standing still. Use this to rest off an effect, or to spend a point of void to refresh certain attributes & skills. if you get up, get hit, or use a skill, this is interrupted and must be restarted from the top.
Stun *Thud* Out cold, no damage, anyone can "shake" you awake with a minute of roleplay (NO ACTUAL CONTACT PLEASE) if no one can help you wake up in 5 minutes.
Stricken: Can't have ANY beneficial effects except for first aid, takes 5 minutes to rest and THEN you can rest off everything else.
Drain: You can't use any in game skills, can't run, can't block (weapon hits blocked are taken)
Disarm: Drop your weapon! Pick it up when it comes to a stop on the ground
Destroy: Vera, your very favorite gun? RUINED! It needs a REPAIR effect to be fixed.
Frenzy: Do a 360, find the closest chump to you, start swinging, if he falls go to the next one (keep the flurry rule in mind) if you get cut down it's over. You might have skills that alter this, read them!
Paralyze: Frozen in place, 5 minute count starts from the effect hitting you to end. If you get picked up go limp! No awkward poses for you!
Death: DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT 200 DOLLARS Lie there for 5 minutes, then turn to "Ghost" and report to Monster Camp (or somewhere else if you are instructed by staff)
SHORT: This means the effect lasts until you rest for 10 seconds instead of the normal duration
Permanent: GOOOOOOOOD LUCK (until cured)
Brett McKinnon, Host of "White Noise" THE source for news THEY don't want you to hear!
Formerly Pastor Ethan Talbot (LE) Huron York (The Calling) and William McGillivray (Lovecraft Legacies)