by Henry Gondorf » Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:05 pm
Henry moves his Knight into striking position of Billy's King.
"My experience tell me otherwise. Follow me here: All truths start as a loyal companion that walks along beside you. It is like the family pet. You keep it around because you enjoy a certain feeling of security. Then one day, you realize having such a constant companion is a bit of a burden. You want to move up in the world but the old dog is too big for the fancy new cars or mansion's catching your eye. You need a new a smaller and more convenient animal to show around. That tailored made pet is the lie. So you take the truth and chain it somewhere out of sight while you move on to better things. One day, the lie you have been walking around with gets sick. It starts to look rabid enough it might cause problems for you. So you call in folks like us. We get paid to retrace the steps back to where the old dog was left chained to the wall. But after left in the dark for so long, the truth becomes feral. The inner wolf comes forth with a mind for revenge.
"The moment we find the truth we have to answer the unspoken question when we first took the case: Do we follow the orders given to us by the employer or do we do the right thing and let truth have it's day in the sun again?" Henry asked.
People come to me looking for the truth as it suits them. They look for a happy ending to their troubles. Too bad for them. I don't do happy. As to putting an end to things, The Truth often does a fine job with out me.