by PoeticJustice » Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:12 pm
"It's not me I'm worried about, Fell," she murmured quietly to him, not taking her eyes off the Deputy Director or the sources of the three red dots.
The math was still being done in her head, her eyes darting around, looking for cover or escape routes. She was unarmed, thanks to everyone who told her she should stash the gun before things got messy. Too far to get to, at least with three snipers on her. And Three was too many. One, maybe two. But three, at this range? Unless she Screamed... But that would only help for so long and there would be other big men with guns. No. Three was too many. Especially unarmed. Maybe if she took a human shield... But that would be unforgivable. Besides, these men were quick to point red dots at people, a human shield probably wouldn't slow them down very long if at all. A high enough caliber and the shield wouldn't slow the bullets down either.
She waited, hoping to see whether her religion excuse would cut it. It clearly had in the past with situations that involved people insisting she go see doctors. But that wasn't the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Those weren't people who pointed red dots at people.
She shifted from one foot to the other, and then to the other, agitation beginning to build up in her. She glanced towards the medical tent and paled slightly, swallowing heavily. Three high caliber sniper rifles being pointed at her didn't rattle her in the slightest, but just the thought of entering the tent made her break out in a cold sweat.
She slowly, nonthreateningly, reached up to tuck some hair behind her ear, leaving her hand hovering casually by her temple.
If this is to end in fire
Then we should all burn together
Watch the flames climb high into the night
Calling out for the rope, sent by and we will
Watch the flames burn on and on the mountain side hey