by Owle Isohos » Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:05 pm
"She called herself the Lady," Kelsey answers. "And seemed offended when she was asked how she earned such a title. I heard someone say she was probably an avatar of death or something. She mentioned that she'd arrived early for the carnage party. She had business with one of ours - a broad-figured man with curly hair, glasses, a green shirt, and a sword with a gold pommel. She said he was late, and then took him off to talk in private. Her servants were pretty keen on enforcing that privacy, too. She mentioned also that another of ours -was- business, but he didn't know it. Brown hair, bearded, dressed sort of punkish in black and red - he was surprised when he found out she wanted to talk to him, but he only found out after she left. He didn't seem to know anything about her." Kelsey shrugs.
"The jumpy people around her weren't human, I'm sure of that. They asked us what a mother was, and they were fascinated by shiny objects. They enjoyed looming, and lingering when the Lady told them to, and mentioned that they weren't allowed to make deals. Oh," she adds after a pause. "When we asked how long they'd been working for the Lady, they said 'forever', and laughed."
She looks up at Henry curiously. "Do you know anything else about them? Any theories?"
-Kelsey Graham (that medic with the black fedora and the purple coat)
-aka Lauren (OOC)