Henry smiled then. "Mister, I think if there was a nation wide black out for all broadcasts since 1970, I don't think it would be hard for people to look at last night as anything more than a bad joke. Remember: One of those nice people back there looked like she sidestepped right out of Woodstock. Who would doubt she and a few others didn't just spike our water supply to see us all get groovy?"
"Besides, what the hell did happen last night?" Henry asked looking at the agent next to him. "I remember the bridges getting blown and a prison break letting a bunch of manics running rampant. The animals must have been spooked by the blasts and went all nuts leading to some vicious attacks. From what I guess That Agent fella last night handled everything from the mow down to the brush fire." Henry smiled a crooked half smile then.
"Let the the rich pay for Plausible Deniability. Playing dumb will always be free," Henry winced at a old memory before adding "and might help avoid learning if you can take a punch or two."