Mason reaches to shake Mr. Morsi's hand his shackle emerging from his coat sleeve with the movement with a gentle clatter of the chains. He nods towards Mr. Morsi's own... unusual features around his wrists.
"Well met, the name is Mason Fell, Deputy Marshall Coos County. Yeah I can see why, I understandably tend to get a lot of raised eyebrows and a variety of poor taste bondage references myself.."
Turning back towards Lou
"To answer your question... It scares the hell out of me. I don't care if its fate, coincidence, purpose, or accident. Believe it or not most of what I have seen here has all be new to me too. I have had a couple run ins with the supernatural, but only a couple. And with the exception of finding out that the alleged zombie I heard about calls himself Corvus and labeled me a Jotunn-Hunter, they all went very badly. Maybe I am a pessimist, but whatever is going on here I sincerely doubt it will end well for anyone."
Mason, reaches out for the small silver pendant he wears around his neck, he brings the small round medal to his mouth and holds it for a moment as if to comfort himself.