Out on the back porch

Re: Out on the back porch

Postby Wolfman2006 » Tue Sep 03, 2013 10:44 am

Mason reaches to shake Mr. Morsi's hand his shackle emerging from his coat sleeve with the movement with a gentle clatter of the chains. He nods towards Mr. Morsi's own... unusual features around his wrists.

"Well met, the name is Mason Fell, Deputy Marshall Coos County. Yeah I can see why, I understandably tend to get a lot of raised eyebrows and a variety of poor taste bondage references myself.."

Turning back towards Lou

"To answer your question... It scares the hell out of me. I don't care if its fate, coincidence, purpose, or accident. Believe it or not most of what I have seen here has all be new to me too. I have had a couple run ins with the supernatural, but only a couple. And with the exception of finding out that the alleged zombie I heard about calls himself Corvus and labeled me a Jotunn-Hunter, they all went very badly. Maybe I am a pessimist, but whatever is going on here I sincerely doubt it will end well for anyone."

Mason, reaches out for the small silver pendant he wears around his neck, he brings the small round medal to his mouth and holds it for a moment as if to comfort himself.
Mason Fell
Played by Adam Hurley
AKA:Father Solomon Sahaal, Berek Son of Bjorn, Acerbus-Nox, Mugthar, Abraham Hawthorne, Malcolm Hunt
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Re: Out on the back porch

Postby Heyoka » Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:28 am

Heyoka nods to Adam and pulls down his shades so his blue eyes are just barely exposed. "Heyoka Blacktree. And after what happened last night, I wouldn't be surprised if people call me a vampire hunter..."
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Re: Out on the back porch

Postby Merana33 » Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:49 pm

The sound of a groan and a muffled curse waft over to the porch from the camoflague 'fort' across the gulley. After a moment the distinctive black and silver "SECURITY" ballcap of Officer Grey is visible as the man crawls down the ladder, his pack slung across his back.
Turning he spots the assembled crowd and gives a wave, picking his way across the gulley with some care, clearly moving with some difficulty.

"Morning Y'all. Glad ta see folks survived that hellish storm last night." He cleans his glasses on his shirtsleeve before trying to navigate his way up the slick ramp.
~Tony Vassard
Regional Director of asset management, Blackstone

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Re: Out on the back porch

Postby ronfiction » Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:15 pm

Lou waves to yet another new comer and gets into the cooler that Adam had brought. He started on the fruit and started really enjoying the very strange conversation.
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Re: Out on the back porch

Postby Sally » Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:01 pm

"Mornin' Ya'll." Bob Gray's voice is what wakes Salvador Lautner. Hearing a fellow country twang first-thing is better than not, and Sally sits up from the camp bench. He'd slept with one arm draped over his face, and the other hand nestled on the grip of his pistol. His rifle is still strapped to his vest. The headache starts right away, a tenpenny nail right behind his eyes.

The flask on his belt is empty.

Across the way, Deputy Marshal Fell chats up their savior, the engineer that had got the lights back on- Lou, his name is. The big fella in the suit- hadn't he said something about those wolves and dogs being afraid of bigger predators?- has some sorta cooler open. Morsi- JD had said something about the two of them goin' off into the woods to commune with nature yesterday. Of course, Walker is still conked out on the raw ground over where Sally'd slept.

Sally smacks his lips in an attempt to get out the taste of sawdust and steam. When that fails to help, he pulls out a strip of jerky from one of the ammo pouches on his vest and starts chawin'.

"Howdy, folks."

Morsi had offered up a larder, so Sally does the same. The road rations- nuts and jerky - don't amount to much when compared to Morsi's spread, but, manners. Likewise, a nod up to Heyoka, and Sally says "Salvador Lautner."

Heyoka probably replies, but in that moment, Sally notices the bottle of whisky in Morsi's cooler.

"I don't suppose I could impose on ya for a nip of that there water-of-life?"

The tenpenny nail heats up to a nice, spicy red, and Sally's left hand may or may not quiver some. He tries to avoid Fell's eyes as he looks to Morsi. Marines aren't supposed to beg.
Salvador "Sally" Lautner
GySgt., USMC (ret.)

"All you have is your fire
And the place you need to reach."

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Re: Out on the back porch

Postby Tempest » Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:53 pm

vasily starts to get visibly uncomfortable by the increase of people around him.


vasily walks off towards the water. with hunched shoulders and massaging his temples.
Brandon Harris

"This is not going to be a good day."

Also.Vasily ,Kynon barra, Markus de' cavalier, redcard stralt, sabastian Dalton, father Alexander Marshall, Templeton stormwright.

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Re: Out on the back porch

Postby ohyoungmarriner » Tue Sep 03, 2013 6:49 pm

"Be my guest, Mr. Lautner. I think a man such as yourself will fully appreciate its unique pedigree."

Morsi reaches down and grabs the bottle, marked 'MacAllen 1947,' and extends it to Sally.

"Fill up that flask too. Probably be glad to have it when things go south again."

He smiled, and moved his attention to Officer Grey, offering him a nod in acknowledgement, and a wave of the hand toward his cooler. Taking a quick breath, he hops up onto the railing, and becomes still, turning his attention to Mason.

"Some would consider that rather cynical, Mr. Fell. Think of it this way... apparently you are a giant slayer, and you..."

His attention turns to Heyoka,

"... are a vampire hunter. Sounds like you're a couple of badasses. I've seen Mr. Lautner and Mr. Benoit hold their own, and then some. I'm sure we'll be as well-equipped for the coming tribulations as is possible."
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Re: Out on the back porch

Postby personsmichael » Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:07 pm

::Tobias nods to everyone in turn as they jump into the conversation.::
"I had a hunch when we were on our way here, but it was confirmed when we got stuck here. There are certain places, in certain times, that have an irrefutable fate. The gathering of everyone here must be a side effect, maybe we're even part of that fate." ::He takes a mango from Adam's cooler and nods in appreciation.::
"The best way to predict the future, is to invent it."
Tobias Paddock
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Re: Out on the back porch

Postby ronfiction » Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:12 pm

Lou waves off the complement from Adam and shallows a piece of fruit that he was eating.

"Just doing what I can. The old shot gun is certainly easier to use but the pole saw doesn't run out of ammo ya know."

He says and laughs at the thought of it. All these folks with military grade guns, swords and claws must have looked way more fierce than the guy with the lawn tool and the safety vest. Lou eyed the whisky some but opted out of it. Drinking before noon was no way to start a day when you needed to be on your toes and when you found yourself trapped on an island with convicts and a perfect mix of strange characters, you wanted to be on your toes.

"Anyone one come up with any ideas as to how to get off the island sooner rather than later? I mean, we could wait for the waters to go down, but who knows when that'll be. Also, you folks do not want to wait for me to fix a bridge. That shit would take forever."

Lou said and looked to Mason. He was half tempted to ask him if he could fly over the river but decided that it wouldn't be tactful to ask about it in front of so many people.
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Re: Out on the back porch

Postby Greige » Tue Sep 03, 2013 9:54 pm

Jackal walks up the steps of the back porch. It's only been hours since he saw the forest burn--the stink of sulfer and ash still sing in his nostrils. It isn't new to him--accepting the pain humanity can spread in its wake is an old lesson. But the loss of life is still something to mourn.

Worse still, though, were the people that died--now those were new. Genetic experiments, creatures warped by a new magic called science--that was a lesson he struggled with. Almost as much as the strange people gathered here. Demons, faeries--men who threw magic around like bullets? And worse, still, his own kind. Not just one, but two, and an itching beneath his skin told him there were more.

Clearly, Whisper Hill wasn't interesting only to him. He thought as much as he walked up to the strange people on the porch, lighting a cig as he went up. Hey, if you were an immortal, what was a little taste of lung cancer going to do?
"There are secrets even the desert sands cannot hide. All one has to do is dig."

Jackal, aka Paul (real life), aka Ashren (fables), aka "That creepy mannequin at Clockwork Skies"
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